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Sharpening Montecs


PMA Member
I've been a Muzzy guy for years, but I'm thinking of trying the 85 gr. montecs next year, IF they can be sharpened easily. I'd like to start reusing broadheads each year, I've never had any luck trying to sharpen Muzzy's. And the blades bend many times anyway.
Beyond the sharpening, has anyone used the Montecs? Were you generally impressed with them? How did they fly for you?

I was also considering Magnus' one piece broadhead.
In theory, both the Montec and Magnus Snuffer would be easy to sharpen since they're cut on contact heads and can be done on a flat steel or stone. Having said that however, I can't get the Montecs to take an edge all that great on the G5 diamond steel.

The Snuffer will take a pretty good edge but unfortunately, their factory blade bevels are hit and miss. I just sharpened some awhile back and to do it right, I had to hand file to get the proper bevel on each blade, then switched to the steel to finish. YMMV.
I couldn't really get my montecs back to real sharp after doing some shooting with them. Next year I will be shooting the strykers. I have seen some of them hit some real nasty stuff and not do a thing to them. After the season, just replace the blades if they are dull but from what I saw they really held their edge.
ive used montecs for atleast 3 yrs now and i like them i first tried to sharpen them with the diamond stone that g5 sells and that didnt worl to well..

i then purchased the one that you hold like a handle not sure of the name ill check though.. g5 sells it also. but it worked better to get an edge, never can get back to the way you bought them cause those tsuckers are SHARP brand new. you can get them sharp enough to re use them.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: j-wilts</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

i then purchased the one that you hold like a handle not sure of the name ill check though.. g5 sells it also. but it worked better to get an edge

10-4 on that. I had the best luck on both of the mentioned heads with a Smiths diamond steel. Coarse on one side, fine on the other. Not sure if this is what you meant but it worked real well for me:

Bowtech and Jwilts, when using the above stone, did you simply run the broadhead over the stone two opposing "inside edges" at a time, basically just laying the broadhead on its side and sharpening? I hope that makes sense to you.

Looking closer at your earlier posts answered my question. Thanks.
the directions said to run it in a circular motion while on its side sharpening two inside edges. but i just drug it from tip to butt i guess forward to backward and would repeat. but i got rid of the stone after one use

ill have take a look at that one iowabowtech

heres what i use now. it works much better then the stone its made by g5

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answer to your original question about montecs i absolutley love them. they sure tear through deer with cut on contact tip.

they sell a preseason montec that i would advise to practice with b/c they do fly a little diff then your normal target point. always seems to hit the target just a bit lower then a field point.

either way i love the MONTECS /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
While observing some "Montec talk" on archerytalk, I saw that they're coming out with a montec cs, which is a carbon steel model that sharpens much easier and comes from factory with a 25% sharper edge than the original stainless montecs. I wonder how durable they are compared to the stainless model?
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