Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

shed buck mania


Well-Known Member
Punched 5 slickheads tonight. Tough hunt discerning between the 5 button bucks and 7 shed out bucks, but took my time and got it done.

Ton of fun! Congrats, reminds me of when we used to do the IGRADS and made fields full of white belliies! Some of you guys remember that fun while it lasted!
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Congrats mudster! Yep Travis, I remember that. White bellies make pretty good decoys if I remember correctly. Brings them right into range.:D
Good deal buddy. Goes to show if you take your time you can discern between the bucks and put some slick heads down
Just curious, what is IGRADS?

IGRADS is a forgotten acronym for a gathering held many moons ago. A bunch of IW members met up at a very large privately owned farm and stacked does. I don't remember exact numbers but there was a lot of carnage.
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