Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Shooter or wait another year?


Well-Known Member
Had a buddy send me a picture and told me he would not shoot this buck.

Don't know for sure if he is an older deer or an up and comer.

Thinks he has too short of tines.

I think he is a tank and shooter regardless.

What are your thoughts?

I'd call him mature... but that depends on what you consider mature... hard to say how old he is for sure....

I'd shoot him in a heartbeat though!
There's no way I could let a buck like that pass! His body looks pretty thick, I think he's at least 4.5, but that's just a guess.
I don't know how he can decide based on a trail camera photo at that angle and that far away unless he has different/closer photos. I don't think I would think twice about sticking that pig.

Truth be told, a guy doesn't know what he would really do until he is out there and the animal walks in close enough for a shot. I can tell you from personal experience last year. :way:
That thing has a huge body. Could very well be fully mature. Of course he'll need to quickly study when it comes by. Good chance he's 5, 6 or who knows?!?!
wow...it's only one angle, but that thing looks like a rolling ball of butcher knives coming through the forest! I'd shoot given this only pic...
where is he i dont see him?? i think he needs to get a better picture to get a better idea.. I would say shoot him but that deer is way to sneaky to be killed, imo. Good luck trying to pass him!!! :D
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