Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company




here is two bucks. think you guys could help me out on the scores? im think in shooter one first one but i was jw if you could help me on some guesses of scores.....


Score for the top one is tough, but he looks like a PIG to me. Bottom one is a dandy too, prly go mid 140's? Nice pics.
I agree, top one looks like he would push or exceed 170. Great brows, 2's, 3's and looks to have long beams also. Not super heavy but lots of length most everywhere. I think JakeWym hit the bottom pretty close also.
there both nice deer... top one is obviously a bigger deer probably 155 to 160 an bottom one mid 140's
Hmm Typical250 ur guess was 7 inches away from 170 but i guess thats not even close, but anyway they are both good bucks!
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