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Shot after the Shot


New Member
First time post even though I've enjoyed reading posts on here since I started bow hunting back in '08. Over the past 4 seasons I have managed to put down a 149 7/8 and a 147 3/8. Starting out my 5th season with a stick and string I decided to set the bar for something a little better. Things have been slow around my primary stands and after watching a spike buck tending a doe I began to loose hope of filling my buck tag. Decided to sit in a friend's stand tonight instead of my own. Location is not great and his trail camera has had next to zero buck activity. I climbed up in the stand around 2:45 PM looking to put down a doe, and after sitting about an hour and a half I spined one 5 yards from my stand. Rest of the does ran off, but I decided to stay in the stand to see if anything would come back. 10 min. later I see a doe and this guy approaching. He hung back in the timber while the doe circled the dead doe several times. When the buck finally decided to enter the field the only shot I had was at 52 yards. When he started walking off I began rattling which got him turned and headed back into the timber. Stopped him at what I thought was ~40 and let the arrow fly. It sailed right over his back (32 yards actual when I picked up the arrow). He stopped for a split second in front of my buddies camera for a quick photo before heading off into the woods. Time on his camera is accurate except for AM/PM is off.

Needless to say this deer will haunt my dreams for a while, but to have had a chance at a true Iowa giant is something I will cherish for years to come.

That's too bad bud..it's happened to us all! That's a real dandy ..what do Ya think high 60s low 70s?
Honestly at this point I'm trying not to think about it, but your question has me zooming in on the trail camera photo. Conclusion is average mass, weak G4 on the left, but photo doesn't reveal the fantastic spread on him. He would have dwarfed what currently hangs on my wall. I would put him some where in the 170s. Body on him leads me to believe he has room to grow. While at full draw I allowed myself to put him at 40 yards, even though I had ranged it earlier in the afternoon, because his body didn't scream old and mature.
Aww dont feel bad..last Friday on my Birthday I stuck a 170 inch 8 pointer at 40 yards. Problem is I hit him in the shoulder and never found him. Tonight I watched him taunt me at 100 yards limp and bump does!!
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