Iowa Boy At Heart
Here's a question that's been on my mind for since I first took my bow to South Texas with me a year ago. Does sighting in your pins at one elvation change your point of impact at a different elevation, like it does with a rifle? For example, I live at 7,000' elevation here in Flagstaff and spend most of my time shooting/hunting between 6'000-8,000'. I don't remember what the results were last year in S. TX (elevation < 1000'), but this year, with my bow being a month old, I had to do most sighting in down there. When I got back here, my point of impact had changed a bit, unless it was just my form coming back to full consistency. I know with rifles, you have to sight them in at the elevation you'll be hunting or the point of impact can be way off. I keep forgetting to ask at my local archery shop so I figured if anyone would know, it would be you all. Thanks!