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Silenced my Gorilla Climbing Sticks


Miles Coffin
Finally found a place on the web I could order the rope from by the foot and converted my Gorilla climbing sticks to be a lot more quiet and get around some bigger trees.



I got some inspiration from the Lone Wolf post using UCR's, but those things look difficult to make, so I just went with a Prusik (sp) knot setup. I tested on in a tree in my yard and they hold tension just fine, so I'm not worried about them falling off while I'm up a tree.. Or better yet, while climbing up the tree.. :)
That is a great idea...never thought of the prusik knot for that kind of set up. If you get a chance, will you snap a pic while they are on the tree? Awesome.
Im curious too.... I got a good deal on some gorilla sticks two seasons ago and
would like to convert mine. Can you give a little more detail on what you did?
That looks a lot easier to make than the URC's. I will say the URC's get easier to make with practice. Very good idea. I will watch for the on the tree pictures.
The place I ordered the rope from can put a loop in one end then you could use the prusik on the other. I imagine you could technically use two prusiks. Would need some testing.. You might need a thinner main rope too so both ends can get around the cam and stay on...
On second thought the two prusik setup would be tuff to get tension on the main rope to get the first prusik to grab tight while you hooked up the other side and tighten down. You will def want a loop/prusik setup.
What are the specs on that 5MM cord?? What is it capable of holding, weight wise? Tensil strength?? I could not find a spec sheet for it on that order page you linked. I could just be worried about the pressure point at the connection the stick. Even with you standing on the step there is a quite abit of a load on that one piont. That is just my only concern. Otherwise I think it looks like it works perfect.

With the UCR, you dont have that since you are using a much larger rope design.
Ya, I probably should have went with the 5mm actual Prusik cord (New England Tech Cord). Some of those are boosting 5000lb tensil strength. I may end up going that route at some point. I don't see any specs on the cord I used, but I'm guessing it will support the 200lbs I'll be putting on it with the limited amount of use I have planned for these steps..

Prusik cord link:

Not many darker color options in here.. This is why I went with the cord I did.
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About 3-4 inches, but I plan for it by trying to get the rope on the back side of the tree a little higher than I would with straps...
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I converted 8 sticks and I think I had $60 into the rope. With the correct Prusick material you should plan on another $10-$20. That website can also tie a loop in one end of the main rope for you so all you have to do is add the prusick. No idea on the cost for that service.
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Agreed. I converted these after buying my Muddy's. I rarely use these, but they are quiet when I need them. My next mods are to replace the muddy ropes with much longer ones so I don't have to use these at all.
Can you detach the prusik knot from the stick by just lifting the stick up to even height with the rope since it gives 3-4 inches? I could see where the prusik knot could be a pain. Especially if it was raining then froze. I had a safety strap I couldn't get undone after it froze on me one day. It would probably be easier to just unslide the knot on the other end than the prusik knot side. Cool idea for those looking for something like that.
That's exactly how I take them down, lift up on the stick and slide the prusick line off the hook on the step.

Two drawbacks I have found since making these mods:

1- keeping the pursick line from flying off the main line as you toss it around the tree. This seems to decrease over time with use though. Sucked the first time I had this happen 3/4 up a tree in the dark. I also carry extra prusick's in the pack if this does happen. (Advantage non camo prusick line when trying to find them in that situation).

2- they do lose a little tension once you step off, so you have to pre-load them on your way back down before putting full weight onto them.
Two drawbacks I have found since making these mods:

1- keeping the pursick line from flying off the main line as you toss it around the tree. This seems to decrease over time with use though. Sucked the first time I had this happen 3/4 up a tree in the dark. I also carry extra prusick's in the pack if this does happen. (Advantage non camo prusick line when trying to find them in that situation).

Couldn't you just tie a knot on the prusik knot side like you do on the other side on the end of the rope? That should prevent it from sliding off correct?
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