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Farm Bureau is the Poster-Child of what's wrong with our country now days.... Special interests in bed with politicians, with $/GREED on their mind. Claims and arguments that don't hold up and aren't based on logic. They throw these fears, claims & emotional charges out without one care for: you, our resource, FACTS & SCIENCE, etc. They care about $, low hanging dollars they can skim off by killing of the deer herd and large handful of farmers that fill their ears with grief.

I say this based on just a FEW counterpoints to all the crap they spew out.... Their arguments cannot hold water. Their Lobbyists can spew this Kool-Aid crap all they want and pay off the politicians and we are the ones that need to fight back constantly.
I realize I'm "preaching to the choir here, I get it and I also could spend some time taking these Lobby Pimps on farm tours proving them wrong but they don't care about the truth. There sure is work to do with general public, no doubt...

1) I farm in probably some of the highest deer density areas of the state (the ones that weren't ravaged from the past 5 years as bad as other areas). I have FAR MORE DAMAGE to my crops from: RACOONS, TURKEYS and TREES (YES TREES!!!!) damaging crops than deer, BY FAR. You look at the 1st 15 rows along my trees, looks "ravaged", you can find areas where few deer hang out and the corn is "TOAST"..... Tree roots suck up the nutrients, moisture & sunlight - it's not anything to do with deer. Coons climb the stalks in packs and tear it down. Turkeys and everything else out there loves everything from beans to corn, etc. SO..... Why is FB not shouting to the roof tops to: have EXTENDED COON SEASON?!?!?! YEAR ROUND TURKEY HUNTING AND TURKEY DEPREDATION TAGS?!?!? Why is farm bureau not advocating for State funded dozer subsidies to get rid of these pesky trees that are destroying crops?? Because, no one would listen and there isn't an army willing to do their dirty work like there is with deer. The coon tags & turkey tags wouldn't provide more tag revenue to DNR like deer tags do. Another reason: too many are too ignorant to realize that it's not just deer that are hard on their crops.

2) Tree farms.... Give me a frigin break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, this is coming from someone who has, owns and operates a TREE NURSERY. Several guys on here helped out. What did I do.... I constructed a fence around it. These FB clowns really advocate (BOO-HOO) - "why should the tree farmers have to pay for a fence when the state's deer are the problem". Give me a frigin break!!!!! This simply oozes with ignorance I don't know where to even start!!! A) A fence around an extremely valuable nursery is a SMALL FRACTION of the cost of the value of establishing the trees. B) I have the nursery around my house and because of the activity, very few deer actually come in the nursery when there's no fence. Even a small amount of deer can eat the leaves, rub trees, etc. My point is, killing off 90% of the herd really doesn't make much difference. C) as Human beings, we were born with BRAINS.... If we didn't want deer around a tree nursery, we have the knowledge & freedom to plant them in areas sparsely populated with deer. We knew what we signed up for long ago. D) Rabbits, mice and other animals do far more damage to my trees than deer. if I leave them un-protected, rabbits would literally girdle every tree. Those rabbits "belong to the state" - how bout a special "late Rifle Rabbit season" proposed by Farm Bureau?!?! Rabbit Depredation permits? Huh- I don't hear that from them?!?!? Should I sue the state from all the damage their rabbits are doing to my trees? Or should I simply take it upon myself to protect my trees, use some common sense and build a fence and protect the trunks of the trees instead of having the Lobbyists impact everyone else because I'm whining? These FB clowns are representing less than 1% of our population, like everything else in GOVERNMENT and POLITICS - it's that tiny special interest that has to be heard so their agenda can be taken care of even at the expense of everyone else. I'm being impacted and FB and these politicians make me sick. Go home Lobbyists, tired of your tireless arguments with no substance and you deciding policy because you have $ in the game. Iowa can do better than listen to yet another group of special interest clowns.
These last four recommendations are nuts! They might as well say make it so we can do whatever we want.

• Simplify the permit process into a single license that could be used year-round, and issuing the permits at no cost.

• Eliminate the requirement that all deer killed during depredation must be recovered and processed for human consumption. Alternative disposal methods, such as composting, should be allowed, the group said.

• Eliminate shooting hour restrictions, allow farmers to use the most effective weapon and include both antlered and antlerless deer, as specified in the management plan.

• Eliminate the requirement that antlers from harvested deer must be turned over to a conservation officer within 24 hours and allow alternative means of handling antlers.
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I think I'm gonna run for governor and do what's best for the hunting community and not these interest groups!
These proposed new regulations are just an yearly permission to shoot deer on sight. This would eliminate the deer herd in those areas. I think the depredation system needs eliminated or greatly modified anyhow. The system is mostly used by hunters who have food plots trying to attract deer, but then they get depredation tags because numbers are too high? How logical is this? DNR biologist said we need to kill 26 does/yr to maintain population, so we buy doe tags and kill does.
With so many hunters complaining about not seeing deer and no where to hunt. The DNR should profit from this depredation system. Why give free tags to landowners with food plots? The should have a list of area hunters who are available. Win/win, oh except for landowner who is trying to attract every buck in 5 miles but then complains about damage from deer.
The non hunting group (farmers, tree growers, insurance companies) just want deer all gone as it cuts into their profits. Well with low grain prices the deer will eat well to get your minimum damage amounts. Hell most run over more spraying then deer eat. Lots of farmers subsidize their income by leasing hunting or even better make good connections with hunters.
IMO, it's a build up to transferable tags so producers can profit from the deer they are reluctantly feeding. They will negotiate away the night hunting, let 'em rot, antler turn over stuff to get transferable tags which is their ultimate goal. Some producers or small groups see the price NR tags go for on auctions and think they can cash in by being able to sell their land owner tags for the same crazy 5 figures. They are using the guise of crop damage and the need for deer depredation to achieve their ultimate goal of profiting from deer by getting transferable tags.
I know some folks at FB - to be clear, it's a small handful of their huge membership that drives this (say like 100 farmers across the state that call in, write in or have the power to steer FB lobbyists - they raise heck with FB)....
1) Let's be CLEAR - you will NEVER EVER EVER hear the end of FB unless every last deer is killed, PERIOD! I don't care if you reduce the population by 75% - they will come up with more claims of "large pockets" and still "significant damage to XYZ crops or trees". This will NEVER END.
2) From above, the bullet points they propose, essentially, they are advocating for 365 days of hunting a year, 24 HOURS A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Night hunting, spot lights, rifles. Give me a frigin break. Do you guys realize how insane & greedy this lobby group is?!?!?
3) Here's the MIND BOGGLER I still haven't wrapped my head around..... We hear "hunt em all night, all year round, lessen the regulations, make it easier to kill, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH".
Why don't we hear ONE POSITIVE SUGGESTION, JUST ONE, SUCH AS: "For our Farm Bureau Members that are sustaining massive tree & crop damage, we would like to advocate these members be put on the DNR's website & in their Hunting regulation booklet - LISTED as landowners who are inviting hunters to their land to help out with the deer population." Just like maps the DNR provides with state land and now WALK ON LAND (which the government PAYS THE LAND OWNER TO ALLOW THIS ACCESS!!!!!) - we can get maps & info for hunters to go there and hunt. Why can't the Farm Bureau members simply be added to the walk on land program or a special section inviting hunters to help reduce their deer #'s?!?!??!? PLEASE, ANSWER THIS! I WANT FARM BUREAU TO ANSWER THIS?!?!?!? This is SIMPLE, it's DOABLE, it's a SOLUTION and would drastically benefit these farmers who are the minority but loud voice steering the FB lobby. I have far more logical solutions and ideas. I don't see any of their solutions fit the category of LOGICAL, COMMON SENSE & not impacting everyone else so their tiny fraction of residents/members get what they want. I honestly think that idea out of about a dozen other things we all could think of should be at the forefront instead of all their bloodbath non-sense ideas to wipe every deer out and ignore all the other logic that's involved with the problem (which most doesn't even involve deer). CLOWNS, POLITICAL CLOWNS is all these guys are at best. And we can beat these CLOWNS.
The thing is, the farmers that are complaining are also the one's that do not allow hunting on their land.
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