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Slug Performance


New Member
I am outfitting one of my shotguns for deer. What slugs have you used on whitetails that you would recommend for grouping and performance?

Thanks and Merry Christmas from Texas!
Buy a few boxes and shoot a group and see how they pattern then decide.we have had great luck in our Brownings with partition golds they do not shoot well with Hornady SSTs.
As chipterp said; buy a bunch & try them. The gun will tell you what it likes and pretty much any slug will kill a deer pretty dead if you put it where it belongs. My gun shoots the Barnes solid copper (Remington) slugs pretty well and does not care for the partition golds. If one slug consistently outshot the others there wouldn't be the variety of choices that there is.
My 2 Browning Gild slug guns live the Federal Barnes Expander 2 3/4" slugs model #P152xs (not ballistic tip). I have a couple guys in my hunting party that use the same slugs out of Remington guns. My H&R single shot like the Hornady sabots.
Winchester gold partitions have out performed anything else I've tried out of 3 different guns now.
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