Super Moderator
I have a small timber on my place that I want to make better bedding cover for wildlife while still maintaining some cosmetic looks (not like a tornado went through). The timber is primarily Walnut, Choke Cherry, a few cotton woods, and the underbrush is becoming covered in Honeysuckle (I think it is honeysuckle). The canopy is getting full and the honey suckle is taking over.
So my questions are.......
1. How does Walnut and Choke Cherry hinge? Do they live? Do the deer browse them?
2. How do I get rid of the Honeysuckle? Cut and tordon? Pull them with the truck (where I can reach)?
3. If I am successful in getting rid of the Honeysuckle, will more just grow back? Can I seed something else?
Here is what it looks like now.
So my questions are.......
1. How does Walnut and Choke Cherry hinge? Do they live? Do the deer browse them?
2. How do I get rid of the Honeysuckle? Cut and tordon? Pull them with the truck (where I can reach)?
3. If I am successful in getting rid of the Honeysuckle, will more just grow back? Can I seed something else?
Here is what it looks like now.