Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Smooth Move Dumb--- Any recommendations


New Member
I pulled the ultimate stupid move this morning. Had to put work items in the truck this morning. Removed bow from front seat, put it on top the truck and drove off. At 40mph heard something and didn't even need to look. Amazingly enough it appears the only damage occured to the cams. It is an AR34. I spoke with a dealer today and I believe I can get a new cam and wheel. My thought was to have the riser ndt'd via eddy current and ultrasound the limbs for fear of the unknown though I am still leary. For those not familiar with the two testing methods listed it is a way to do crack detection often used in the aerospace industry.

Any thoughts as I love this bow and they are no longer made.
Been there, done that. It sure is a sickening feeling. I doubt the riser was cracked.
Welcome to the site.
I guess I'd have to ask if the cost of the cams and what sounds like maganaflux of the riser would be more expensive than a new bow. Memories and favorite bow aside, sounds like anything "aerospace" would be more expensive than to buy a new bow.

I'm just sayin....

The 'Bonker

Oh yeah, welcome and sorry your first post is a sad one.
Thanks for the replies. The testing won't cost anything as I work for a company that performs these tests. Your point on cost is a good one though. I am waiting for a call back from the archery shop on price for the cams. Bow was $600 new so as long as the wallet pain is in reason I will probably opt out for the new though I have already been looking.

Not that any one cares though I was born and raised in Iowa for 21 years and now live in Maine. This is my first post though I visit this sight often. God do I miss the hunting back there. I still make it back to hunt and see my Brother every few years. I live in an area that is known for some monster bucks and I have seen quite a few, just not as many per square mile. My wifes parents own alot of land up here. We just moved up last year and another issue I am encountering is being overun with to many people. If land is not posted in Maine then anyone can access it. I am going to start locking it down this spring and only allowing access by permission. Enough on this. I think I will run another post in a different area to see if I get ambushed on some thoughts.
another option is if the costs for the cam/idler get pricey is buy a used bow off Archerytalk, ebay. Never hurt to have an extra bow to have readily available to rob parts from. Especially if you like it.
I literally gasped when I read this.. I can't imagine doing that, I feel for ya man, I fell down a beaver slide tracking a deer in the rain two years ago, broke every one of my arrows and got the bow pretty muddy but nothing happened. With my new bow now I would feel like I dropped a newborn baby.
I have lost them off the truck lid, dropped them from my tree stand, and even backed over one after leaning it against my tire to load a deer. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif I feel your pain. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
My kinda luck. PSE/AR does not have any stock of original or upgraded cams and will not be producing anymore. Great customer service for a $600 5 year old bow. No shops here in Maine will touch so I called Southern Archery in Spencer, Ia. They can certainly fit it with different cams though between shipping,cams and most likely the need for a new string I can not justify fixing something that has no support. What if a Limb cracks. It appears I will be shopping. I think I will see if PSE has a forum so I can vent my frustration.
What do you know. The PSE forum idea cam through. Staff Member had extra stock, brand new. I was also told that if you get the right person at PSE that I would have been offered a new replacement bow of equal value if they couldn't provide parts. As I understand you have to get past the CSR and dealer relationship to stop the trying to make a buck garbage.
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