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smoothbore slugs - what do you shoot?


Well-Known Member
I am muzzleloader guy & love shooting my ML. But after the rain/snow/slush that cost me a nice deer last year I am going to use my 870 smoothie this year. It really likes the Brenneke KO slugs & seems to do well w/ the Brenneke Green lightning slugs. I have tried other brands & was wondering what you guys shoot.
For years, I have shot Remington sluggers out of my Rem 870... I have dumped many deer at many distances. If you find a good slug, stick with it :way:
Used winchesters, brennekes, remingtons. Slugs are finnicky. My 870 has a mossberg made barrel which prefers Brenneke kos. My remington smoothbore slug barrel prefers winchesters. My advice to anyone is not to shoot something just because your buddy does or what someone tells u to shoot. Shoot as many brands as you can afford to find which one shoots the best out of your gun.
Definitely shoot as many brands as you can. I just sighted in my savage 220, not a smooth bore but man what a difference the slugs make. The first I shot was federals. they shot about a 2-2.5 group at 100 yards. I thought something was loose but did not believe it. I then shot the coreloks they shot about 1.5-2inches. I then shot the accutips and could not believe a 3 shot clover leafed group at 100 yards. I could not believe it.

Shoot as many as you can.
Used winchesters, brennekes, remingtons. Slugs are finnicky. My 870 has a mossberg made barrel which prefers Brenneke kos. My remington smoothbore slug barrel prefers winchesters. My advice to anyone is not to shoot something just because your buddy does or what someone tells u to shoot. Shoot as many brands as you can afford to find which one shoots the best out of your gun.

My Remington 870 smoothie likes Winchesters, Brennekes or Remingtos; Winchesters best. I could throw Federals more accurately. I'm with the "shoot a bunch to find out what works best" group.
My 870 loves the 2 3/4" sluggers.. ive outshot my friend and his slug barrel and expensive sabots every year out to 75yds when we sight in. Thats also using a leadsled.
I like brenneke. Hear alot of people praising the remington sluggers though. Nothing like sighting in a slug gun to give ya a soar shoulder.
I hunt with guys who always use the most expensive slugs out there- I have used Brenneke KO slugs for the past 4 years or so and have killed many more deer than the others using "better" slugs. Brenneke KO slugs for the price are perfect- usually if you miss its not the slugs fault-
Definitely shoot as many brands as you can. I just sighted in my savage 220, not a smooth bore but man what a difference the slugs make. The first I shot was federals. they shot about a 2-2.5 group at 100 yards. I thought something was loose but did not believe it. I then shot the coreloks they shot about 1.5-2inches. I then shot the accutips and could not believe a 3 shot clover leafed group at 100 yards. I could not believe it.

Shoot as many as you can.

I have a 12 ga Savage 210 with rifled barrel and shoot mainly Winchester sabots. Started with Winchester Supremes but then went with Super X sabots. Tried some Brenneke KO's and Hornady XTP's a couple years ago, but the Winchesters seemed to be better for me. Picked up a couple boxes of the Accutips last year, but didn't get time to see if they shot any better. Maybe this year.
I haven't used a smooth bore for a long time. But I usually keep a few boxes of rem sluggers in the truck with a smooth bore ready to go if it gets nasty and I'm goin through thick brush... I've killed many deer with a smooth bore and sluggers. My wife used the managed recoil sluggers to kill her buck a few years ago.
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