Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Snood Season


Premium Platinum Member
Well this is the first year in the past 8 that we have not had an official youth turkey camp. Everyone is now too old.

So I get home late Friday night and Dad and noah already had the blind set that afternoon.... As we were talking I asked Noah if they had scouted that week. He said, "Well dad and I parked on the road yesterday morning and listened to them." We all laughed.

We woke up early, screwed around until we were almost late, and as we got to the blind the birds erupted. Within an hour we had 2 birds at thirty yards in the brush in front of us, and 3 gobblin within feet behind the blind!! we did the musical chair thing half a dozen times until Noah got a five yard shot.

WHIIIFFFFFF!!! We all laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. We bailed and did the family thing all day, and were back at it the next day. IT was 9:30 before we found hot birds on a different farm. Typical mid morning hunt and 30 minutes later we had five toms choking over themselves and noah rocked one.


So after my only youth hunter tagged out I was a little bummed. But it was fun.

I decided to gun hunt this year after i think 10 years of carrying a bow and it was awesome. I took the friday of second season off from work, and by 7:30 I was able to call in a booner Jake for a kid who has never killed one. He was pumped and I was pretty happy.

I had no desire to shoot a jake when I went out that morning... Until I had one in range. He came in full strut and gobbled his guts out!! I was in the sunshine in a beautiful meadow. Classic turkey hunt. Another one at 10:00.

I was tagged out. So i picked some shrooms.

And snagged a few Asparagus spears.

With nothing else to do that weekend we rounded the weekend out with a Royals Loss on Sat Night.

And a nascar Race on Sunday.

I got out with Risto one morning during 4th season and we had birds coming on a rope when the heavens opened up and a storm that would have made Noah nervous hit us.

Last Friday I headed home to my parents house to spend the weekend for one of my younger brothers grad party. Well Friday night was a late one and we decided at about 1 that we better get to bed so that we could turkey hunt in the morn. 4 am came pretty early and we were headed out. Decided to head to to some public ground south of town and when we come rolling up we saw some nervously waving a flashlight on the backside of the field. They must have parked on the back side and beat us there. No big deal! We were on to the next spot. We pulled in and noone was there. It was about 445 and I hooted with my mouth from the road with no response. We looked at each other and both got back in the truck. Next spot we hopped out, I hooted, 4 respond on the backside of the public. BINGO. We headed off on a run.

We got set up right in the middle of the birds and waited. At 6:15 I had them fired up but they were hung up across the river. I grabbed the only decoy I had, a tailfan!!! I crawled behind it to the river bank and called as I went. I no more than got to the edge and both the hen and tom flew right too me!!!

I barely let him touch the ground! The picture was taken from where I was laying. Smacked him good. Of course he had to flop in the water. 5 days out for me this year and 5 shots were taken. 4 were killed. Fun year!


Excellent season Gunny.

It was an honor for me to spend three hours hunting with the master.

Next time please give me at least a day to get your tag filled. :rolleyes:

If you would of given me a day this year when you were up we would of

doubled instead of my single. :eek:
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Helluva season, Nicky! :grin:

You sure pile em high every year! Congrats!
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