I dont have any decoys or calls and untill the last couple years we didnt get many snows through here.Laely theres been a few thousand coming back through.To hunt them i just find a flock, and start crawling.Its not a real scientific approach but its a lotta fun, escpecially if you can sneak in range of a big flock and empty your gun at em, amazing the number of them you can knock down with 5 shots.
Watch out when doing this though, two years ago i crawled up in the middle of the biggest flock ive ever seen in the fall.I emptied my gun and to my suprise i only killed 2 snows,, one blue, and also got 2 mallards and one canadian hutch that i hadn realized were in there.That woulda been a bad deal in the spring season LOL.
And to be totaly honest ive crawled up on big flocks and emptied my gun at em at very close range and not knocked anything down, it can get pretty crazy with that many geese getting up at once and you kinda forget to aim LMAO.