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So You Think You Know Whitetail?


Life Member

The following Quiz was put together by Whitetails Unlimited.

Test Your knowledge About Whitetail Deer

The white-tailed deer is the most popular big-game animal in North America, and is an amazing example of an animal that adapts and perseveres. As hunters go into the woods in pursuit of this graceful animal, here is a quiz from Whitetails Unlimited to see how much you really know about the whitetail's biology, behavior and history.

True / False

1) Deer are strong swimmers, in part because they have a layer of hair that is hollow, providing buoyancy in the water.

2) Deer have existed for 20 million years, and have had the same basic form for the last one million years.

3) Deer can run in excess of 35 miles per hour.

4) Deer can leap over fences eight feet tall.

5) Deer can cover 30 feet in a horizontal leap.

6) Just like humans, deer have a set of "baby teeth" that fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth.

7) You can tell how old a male deer is by how many points there are on his antlers.

8) Deer use their antlers during the winter to dig for food under the snow.

9) When antlers grow, they are covered with "velvet," a soft, fuzzy tissue. This velvet is the only regenerating skin found in mammals.

10) Like cows, deer have four stomachs.

11) Deer can eat poison ivy without ill effect.

12) Deer are native to every state in the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
><st1:country-region w:st=
<ST1:place w:st="on">U.S.</ST1:place></st1:country-region>

13) The reason fawns are born with a pattern of white spots is so the mother can recognize her offspring.

14) Deer have extraordinary senses, including sight, hearing and smell.

15)Newborn deer have no scent, and the mother will place the fawn by itself in a secluded spot for protection against predators.

True / False Answers

1) True. The hollow hair is more important in providing insulation during the winter, but also helps when deer swim.

2) True.

3) True.

4) True.

5) True.

6) True. The permanent teeth are in place by the time the deer is 2-1/2 years old.

7) False. Rack size depends on many factors, including age, nutrition and genetics. Racks are typically largest on deer in middle age (4-6 years old) and get smaller as deer get into old age, but there are many variables.

8) False. Deer shed their antlers starting in January, and they are used in dueling with other males during the mating season.

9) True. Velvet is also the fastest growing tissue in mammals; some antler growth has been measured at one inch during a 24-hour period.

10) True. Deer are ruminants, swallowing food that they later bring up to chew, releasing more nutrients for further digestion.

11) True.

12) False. There are no deer native to <st1:State w:st="on">Hawaii</st1:State>, but deer are native to the other 49 states, <st1:country-region w:st="on">Canada</st1:country-region> and <st1:country-region w:st="on"><ST1:place w:st="on">Mexico</ST1:place></st1:country-region>. (Introduced deer are now in <st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:pHawaii</st1:State>.)

13) False. The dots are a form of camouflage.

14) True.

15) True.

Multiple Choice

1) Deer are a member of the Cervidae family. What other animal is not included in this family.
a) Moose
b) Elk
c) Sheep
d) Caribou

2) The scientific name of the white-tailed deer is "Odocoileus Virginianus," and was named in 1832. What does "Odocoileus Virginianus" mean?
a) "Ocean Virgin"
b) "Odious Vinegar"
c) "Hollow-tooth Virginia"
d) "Outdoor Vigorous"

3) Modern deer have two toes. How many toes did the deer's ancient ancestors have?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

4) In the wild, deer can live as long as:
a) 7 years
b) 11 years
c) 18 years
d) 24 years

5) When deer run from danger, they flip their tail up and expose the white underside. What evolutionary purpose does this serve?
a) The white color confuses the predator, since deer are usually brown to grey in color.
b) The tail alerts other deer and provides an object for fawns to follow their mother.
c) The white looks like an eye, making the predator think the deer is running the other direction.
d) When deer run, blood pressure rises causing blood vessels in the tail to inflate.

6) Under good conditions, how much food would an average adult deer eat per day?
a) 1-3 pounds
b) 5-9 pounds
c) 11-15 pounds
d) 17-21 pounds

7) Does will normally have one fawn the first year they breed. After this, how many fawns will they normally have?
a) One
b) Twins
c) Triplets
d) Quadruplets

8) Newborn fawns weigh about 4-6 pounds. How long does it take for them to double their weight?
a) One week
b) Two weeks
c) One month
d) Two months

9) Deer are very adaptable, and have evolved into a number of subspecies. How many subspecies are there in <ST1:pNorth America?
a) 12
b) 19
c) 24
d) 30

10) In 1900 the total population of white-tailed deer in <ST1:pNorth America</ST1:p was estimated to be 500,000 animals. What is the estimated population of white-tailed deer today?
a) 500,000
b) 5-10 million
c) 20-30 million
d) 75 million

Multiple Choice Answers
1) c, Sheep.
2) c, "Hollow-tooth <st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:pVirginia</st1:State>." Odocoileus is the Greek word for "hollow tooth," and the scientist who named the species was working in <st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:pVirginia</st1:State>.
3) d, 5. One toe has been completely lost through evolution, and two toes have moved into unusable dewclaws several inches above the main toes.
4) b, 11 years. In captivity deer have been known to live up to 20 years, but very few deer live longer than 10 years in the wild.
5) b, The tail flash alerts other deer to danger.
6) b, 5-9 pounds.
7) b, Twins.
8) b, Two weeks.
9) d, 30. There are an additional 10 subspecies living in <ST1:pSouth America.
10) c, 20-30 million.
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