New Member
Hey all,
Do any of you remember the 2 kids that were poaching deer around the Woodburn area. I guess the DNR had been after the 2 for 2 years. Anyway, who'd guess that I'd get the chance to work with one of the maggets. During the 12:00 break one day a few of us were talking about buck hunting, then this kid being new decided to pitch in. He was so damn proud that he actually bragged about being one of the poachers. He was telling us that they would drive around with spotlights until they found a buck. They'd shoot it, wouldn't gut it, then throw the deer into the back of their truck and dump it with the rest of the carcases and cut the rack off. He said that they had shot over 70 deer most of them the DNR could do nothing about because the carcass had be eaten and they had hid some racks in a friends barn. The DNR didn't know out the majority in other words. He got busted because they kept cutting a lock off of a farmers fence. The farmer called it in, and he DNR sat back and waited and finally saw these 2 shining the spotlight across the farmers field. He got his license taken away for 2 years and I THINK he said 20,000 $ fine between the 2 of em'. He also bragged about how during shotgun season, the group he hunted with had always used high powered rifles. When we asked him if he learned his lesson the little !@#$#@!# said that "yeah, now they make spotlights with lenses that cant be seen from a distance". That was enough to set me off, this kid got an ear full from damn near every deer hunter I work with. Thought I'd vent a little.
Do any of you remember the 2 kids that were poaching deer around the Woodburn area. I guess the DNR had been after the 2 for 2 years. Anyway, who'd guess that I'd get the chance to work with one of the maggets. During the 12:00 break one day a few of us were talking about buck hunting, then this kid being new decided to pitch in. He was so damn proud that he actually bragged about being one of the poachers. He was telling us that they would drive around with spotlights until they found a buck. They'd shoot it, wouldn't gut it, then throw the deer into the back of their truck and dump it with the rest of the carcases and cut the rack off. He said that they had shot over 70 deer most of them the DNR could do nothing about because the carcass had be eaten and they had hid some racks in a friends barn. The DNR didn't know out the majority in other words. He got busted because they kept cutting a lock off of a farmers fence. The farmer called it in, and he DNR sat back and waited and finally saw these 2 shining the spotlight across the farmers field. He got his license taken away for 2 years and I THINK he said 20,000 $ fine between the 2 of em'. He also bragged about how during shotgun season, the group he hunted with had always used high powered rifles. When we asked him if he learned his lesson the little !@#$#@!# said that "yeah, now they make spotlights with lenses that cant be seen from a distance". That was enough to set me off, this kid got an ear full from damn near every deer hunter I work with. Thought I'd vent a little.