Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Some times it does not pay to pay on time

same way we used to do it at Cabela's when I worked there. Push the credit card until it hurt. The store got like $50 for every approved applicant. I rarely asked people to sign up, I feel it's pretty rude to assist a customer and then try to push a credit card on them, when chances are, they don't need another one in their wallet. Each outfitter got $1 for every credit card they signed up and the gimmicks they would run to get outfitters to sign people up were rediculous. Like $50 cash to the first person to hit 10 'referrals' on the day.

I don't see why a bank nowadays would be doing this. The credit markets are more or less frozen again like they were in 2008, the banks should be welcoming any liquidity they can get, especially from people paying off their cards. And they wonder why this recession happened...
Credit cards are a disease in this country. There's so many millions of folks that got nailed on these "traps". Most the time they are targeting folks who will end up paying sick interest- basically targeting lower income- which is unethical in my book. I'd love to see the Credit Cards and those darn Pay-Day lenders go by-by BUT too many folks are not getting the financial education they need.
Credit cards do suck. I fell into the trap during college. In five years I ended up having about 9 grand on 3 cards. It seems the loan money just couldn't quite make it and in college I wasn't very good at budgeting. As soon as I quit college, I cut them all up and started paying them down. I have two paid off and the 3rd will be done within the year. It feels great!!! I don't ever want to use one again. I know some people that have over 20 grand in credit card debt and they don't even really have an excuse why. I can't imagine how long it would take to get out of that.
Like Liv, I got caught up in CC debt in college to the point of only being able to afford the monthly minimum, which essentially means you'll never pay off the balance. I cut them up, paid all my bills (rent, elec, ramen noodles) at the first of the month, put as much towards the card as I could, then went without the rest of the month. Tough but good fiscal lesson.

My wife and I still use cards some, but usually pay them off every year when we sell the crops.
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