Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Southern or eastern iowa


I live in northern Iowa. We have some nice bucks up here but nothing like I see on this website. We have some good public ground but it gets hunted really hard and most of the deer are pushed on to private land. I have the Iowa sportsmans atlas and the website with arial photos for all of Iowa. Im thinking about taking a few days and heading either south or east. Just wondering if anyone could steer me in the right direction for some good public hunting ground. I really like big places where I can walk in further than most people like to walk. There are so many to chose from I can't decide and most all of them look good from arial photos. I'll only be able to hunt 3 or 4 days. Thanks for any info you might have. Don't be afraid to P.M. me. Thanks everybody.
I would recommend going to Iowa DNR and searching for public land by county. Then you can see how big a certain piece of public is. Then maybe somebody will give you a tip if they know anything about it. Good luck.
Both areas are very good hunting. I have hunted both. I would have to say south is easier to hunt less hills and cliffs wich means wind thermals don't screw you up as much and your not as sweaty when you get to your spot. GOOD LUCK
i dont' think i've seen a deer over in eastern iowa, you had better run south to see the big ones.
I know about every public area in eastern iowa
just shoot me a PM and I will tell yah my ole stomping grounds
There is some great deer in Central Iowa as well, plus it's easier to hunt. Not so many trees

I would highly recommend all the areas around the Des Moines River around Runnels for a large area with a large population of deer in a public area. Plus most of the farmers are very willing to let you help them save their crops.

Good luck
Living in N.E. IA. and knowing that the grass is always greener somewhere else---If I were you I'd definatly go to southern IA.

In all honesty, i believe the pressure to be far less in the south and the terain is WAY more open and flatter, making deer more visible. I do realize the slight hilly conditions that do exist in the south. Up here, one wrong step and it a free ride a couple hundred feet. Therefore these deer capitalize more on thier ability to DISAPEAR. Sometimes wonder if whitetails and REINDEER know how to fly.
They sure can disapear in a hurry.
TRUE! S.E. Iowa has hills, N.E. Iowa has HILLS ! I was born in Waukon and lived in the Lansing area in my youth. Great area!!
i know one thing. every year the deer seem to get harder to get out of the woods. of course it's always up hill to the truck. i don't spose my age has anything to do with it. i gotta get a 4 wheeler.....
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