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Southwestern Iowa Taxidermy Shops?

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Well-Known Member
Does anybody know of any good shops here in SW Iowa? We've never had a mount done so we don't really know who to look into.
Go visit some shops. Look at their work. And I mean look at their work, not the antlers on the mounts. Nature did that. You need to look past the antlers and focus on what he/she has done as a taxidermist. Eyes are critical, as are ears, nose, lips, brisket, grooming, etc... Ask them to point out the strong points of their work. If they aren't willing & happy to show off their work and point out what they are proud of, then be very, very cautious about turning your trophy over to them. Though a high price doesn't guarantee good work, a low price shoul at least ring a loud warning bell.
Have fun "shopping around".
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