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Special Late Seasons


New Member
I'm wondering what the benefits are of the "Special Late Season"? I mean why do they have it when they do? Jan. 11-19.

Here are some of the most valid complaints I hear.

1) I know several people that can't find the deer during the late season because they've found refuge thus can't be hunted.

2)Some large shed bucks get inadvertently killed.

So my question is why not just throw the tags into a barrel and let people fill them during the season of their choice and weapon of choice? What's the theory of having it's own special season?

Enlighten me.

I literally hate this idea.

I have found sheds at this time on many occations. I disagree with too early of a gun season and too late of a gun season. This is just how I personally feel.
With my reply here, I have to refer to my post on "Antlerless only". This is the worst time of the year to try and manage the herd. I am biased in a sense that I am a serious trophy hunter and want to see as many bucks make it to the next season as possible. I do kill does every fall, several last year, even more the year before so I do my part in managing the does in the areas I hunt but do it during the seasons already in place. These late season opportunities have a profound impact on small bucks and mature deer that have shed already. I am sure people do not intentionally shoot these but if 1 in 10 hunters make the "mistake" it adds up fast the number of bucks absent for next fall.

(I do want to make the point that even though I am a trophy hunter, I do not expect everyone to follow my same values. I started out hunting many years ago and found that the first year and a half old buck was as much a trophy as my mature bucks. I think it is great when people make the first deer they shoot a lesser young buck but also feel that after a few of these harvests, an individual should set standards for mature bucks or Female antlerless deer.) Just my point of view
pupster i have asked my self the same question,why dont they just increase the tags for antlerless deer during the regular bow and gun seasons.
I think its all about the DNR saying look we have made a special season to try and control the doe population in these southern countys.
That looks good on paper to the state legislature.
What they are really doing in MHO is saying,we know most hunters have a freezer full of deer already by the time the late season rolls around so lets make a season where most of them wont hunt it and make the season at the worst time of year weather wise so they wont be out hunting as much.That way they have less of a chance of getting their tags filled when its cold as heck and the deer a paraniod as they could possible be.That means we can have just as many or more doe tags next year for MORE MONEY.
Some may not agree with my thinking,but lets see how the DNR handles this new bill passed next year about the anterless deer speical liseance for giving your deer to the state pens.
If you have to pay $25 a deer and the season is in January how effective is this going to be?
If they say here pay $25 and go shoot 5 does in these high populated countys then it might work.
But i bet that wont happen for the DNR will loose too much money on this deal.
I feel like i have always felt about the DNR when it comes to deer hunting,they want your money but they dont really want you to get your deer.More tags sold and unfilled is more tags they can get money on next year.
I think it is effective but without a doubt it has some flaws. One of the problems down there is that us hunters do not shoot enough without the late season, therefore the need for more does to be taken. Many of those counties with the bonus season do not fill all of their regular season bonus tags so it does no good to issue more of those. One good thing for that (or bad) is the willingness of the local and non-local to go down south and shoot a bunch of does after season, sort of an extended deer season and for some, an away from home hunt on someone elses turf. Good if they shoot the mature does but bad if they fail to let the button bucks or shed bucks go. Since it isn't their normal hunting turf, they might not care too much.

Now, if all of the hunters hunting this season are disciplied hunters that know the difference between a mature doe and a fawn or shed buck, there is no better time then the time set for this season. Yes, you can tell the difference between a mature doe and other deer. Regardless of the season hunted, if more of us would let the little bucks go and shoot only mature bucks and mature does, just think of the opportunities. And, with a very short wait to reap the benefits.
It depends on how you look at it. Is the glass half full or empty?

No system is going to be perfect or suit everyone all the time , but it is another opportunity seperate of regular seasons to manage the deer herd, which apparently we have not been doing. In many cases we are killing pregnant does during the Special Late Season.

It is another opportunity for hunters to extend their deer hunting and it may be the best opportunity some people have to go hunt deer. Some of us would have to go back to "honey do" work sooner in the new year if not for one more season.

As far as shed bucks getting killed accidently. No big deal. Heck they can get it on the highway, let's stop all driving during the rut.
That shed buck in January may be someones entire exciting moment of the season. I say let them have it. They do not owe us a trophy buck, we can do our own investing.

I like the challenge of trophy hunting so that there is not so many that their is no challenge.

Herd management should be first, trophy managment should be second. Just my view on deer hunting in Iowa. I think we can have both if we do not have tunnel vision one way or the other. I think Iowa is doing ok as compared to hunting in 1970. Are we willing to fill that statewide anysex bow and shotgun tag with a doe near the end of season? I think we should be.
First off I think the wrong people are jerking the chain of the legislature. The number of deer being killed on our roadways should'nt carry so much weight in determining the herd size. Every year more roads are paved, speeds are faster, more miles are driven and more vehicles are registered. Urban sprall is having an impact! It's not that there are to many deer! There are to many people! It's a sad day when we can't tolerate a large deer herd because it MAY cost us money. Iowa has about the lowest insurance rates in the nation.
As for shooting the "wrong" deer during a late season hunt. I would'nt waste time over it. The 7" antler rule tosses the whole arguement out the window. Besides, look at all the baby bucks that get wacked while standing next to a doe during all the other seasons.
I also disagree with the notion that the DNR expects to have a windfall of extra cash for tags that will go unfilled due to it being SO hard to kill a doe that time of year. Give me a break! You can stack them up like cord wood! I'd get sick of dragging them out in the snow!(i don't have or want a quad)
What I do see is alot of coyote hunters picking up a late tag and rifle shooting some deer!
As for the crop damage. I don't buy that either. But Im not a farmer. They have a huge voice state government and know that if they all growl about the same thing they will get a "program" to ease there pain. More fields are created and bigger harvests seem to come each year. Then the corn price sucks and the deer are blaimed for there being little profit while Brazil is hurting the bottom line far more than 10 deer per sq mile ever could! I wonder how many depredation tags were requested and filled last year?
I'd hate to see the gun season get pushed into the rut. That would be a very bad thing! I think we should tolerate a larger herd.
Scout i didnt say it was So Hard,the point i was trying to make is if these late season tags were made available to the bow and shotgun and muzzle loader hunters during the regular seasons they would get filled.
The farmers are working for the same incomes they were 20 years ago and deer do alot of crop damage in some areas.The lake near by where the deer used to run uncontrolled would eat the 40 acre soybean field down to 6inch stubs on half of this field year after year,you cant tell me that didnt hurt the farmer,and they can only take so much.
The DNR could get the doe numbers down easily in the southern countys.Just make it antlerless only for a year or two in these areas and the problem would be solved.
We used to not to be able to even shoot does years ago and there werent all that many deer,buck only and it got us to were we are today,more deer,perhaps too many in some areas.
They could control these populations much better but it seems they want to strech every dollar out of the deer heard they can.
If every body could get one more antlerless tag in early muzzle loader,bow,shotgun 1 and 2 and late muzzle loader would you?
If next year you have to pay $10 a deer to provide meat to the big house how many does are you going to shoot?
Ever one i have talked to that lives and hunts Van Buren county(the highest populated deer county)says they wont pay $10 a deer to do this.
Some say they wont do it even if it cost nothing.
Most think its a bad idea that wont help any thing but maybe save a few tax dollars feeding these criminals.
Hummm... Still sounds like it to me. Anyway.
If I remember correctly Jackson county had 750 antlerless tags available to archery,shotgun and late MZ hunters. Last I heard the tags did not all sell. This year 1000 are available for Jackson. Use them in any season, plus a special late season.
I'm not required to pay anything nor provide anything to any state facility. Nobody is. If a guy has a problem with the $10 ($11) bucks, don't come out to play. The goal is to provide the hunter who is glad to have the opprotunity to hunt alot of deer with usefull place to go with the meat.
Me, I'm going to fill some tags. I just hope a HUSH locker is close by or one that is linked to the "Big House" program. If not I'll still get two anydeer tags and atleast two or three doe tags. It's all cheap hunting!
No special seasons here.Maybe me and some of the gang will come down there and help you out,dont seem to be doing a very good job by yourselfs
Just have to add a counterpoint to Scout's post re: the extra tags for Jackson County last year. They did sell out because when I got back from our elk hunt I went in to buy one and they were all gone. My point would be if all the tags don't sell during the regular season and the numbers are too high then have a late season. If the hunters buy up all the extra tags for bow and shortgun and muzzleloader then skip the late season. Until we fail to hold up our end of the bargain then there is no need for a late season. If we don't buy and use the extra ones then we have no right to complain about who does what in the late season. My 2 cents. Maggs
Ah scout im just jerken your chain.

Maybe im just a little jealous of all the deer down that way.

Maybe the new jailhouse season might be good if the price is right.We all can only eat so many deer,i shot 4 last year and the boy shot one,could have got him 2 antlerless tags also but the freezer was plum full.
Guess thats the real problem is hunters can only eat so much of a good thing.

buddy of mine hit a big buck on the way to work yesterday,still in full velvet.Said he figured it would have been someware in the 160 to 170 class range by fall,he was bumbed out that he couldnt avoid hitting it.

Didnt do a whole lot af damage to his truck for a bigger deer.
I checked out the hunting regs from the dnr web site.Seems the whole state is in the special late season this year.
Everybody can get 3 does in this season if they get them bought at the right time.
Besides the any sex bow and firearm tags you can shoot 3 antlerless.
Thats 8 deer i can shoot and if the boy decides he wants to put the hurts to them i could end up with 16 deer.
I think im gonna need another frezzer or two.
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