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spike disussion


Talking about the following picture. Person D said" a spike will never mature to a big buck, so I took it"


  • C absolutely incredible how a spike buck could be a 130" deer in just 2 years
    <a class="uiLinkSubtle" href="https://www.facebook.com/derrick.bartels/posts/712984503272?comment_id=1903871&offset=0&total_comments=1" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;N&quot;}" data-reactid=".r[131vb].[1][4][1]{comment712984503272_1903871}.[0].{right}.[0].{left}.[0].[3].[0].[0]"><abbr class="livetimestamp" title="Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 3:22pm" data-utime="1382473354" data-reactid=".r[131vb].[1][4][1]{comment712984503272_1903871}.[0].{right}.[0].{left}.[0].[3].[0].[0].[0]">43 minutes ago</abbr> · Like
  • D big difference between a spike and a 1.5 year old buck.mature buck.will have already broke off on a side or rounded at top like this one spike is a immature buck done plenty of research the last few days on this
    <a class="uiLinkSubtle" href="https://www.facebook.com/derrick.bartels/posts/712984503272?comment_id=1903903&offset=0&total_comments=6" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;N&quot;}" data-reactid=".r[131vb].[1][4][1]{comment712984503272_1903903}.[0].{right}.[0].{left}.[0].[3].[0].[0].[1]"><abbr class="livetimestamp" title="Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 3:42pm" data-utime="1382474552" data-reactid=".r[131vb].[1][4][1]{comment712984503272_1903903}.[0].{right}.[0].{left}.[0].[3].[0].[0].[1].[0]">23 minutes ago</abbr> via mobile · Like
  • C well ive never seen a .5 year old buck have spikes. we call those button bucks. i havent had to do any research. this is something as a hunter that most of us have known for years.
    <a class="uiLinkSubtle" href="https://www.facebook.com/derrick.bartels/posts/712984503272?comment_id=1903910&offset=0&total_comments=6" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;N&quot;}" data-reactid=".r[131vb].[1][4][1]{comment712984503272_1903910}.[0].{right}.[0].{left}.[0].[3].[0].[0]"><abbr class="livetimestamp" title="Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 3:46pm" data-utime="1382474808" data-reactid=".r[131vb].[1][4][1]{comment712984503272_1903910}.[0].{right}.[0].{left}.[0].[3].[0].[0].[0]">19 minutes ago</abbr> · Like
  • D Yeah but its not normal for any buck to.have 8inch plus spikes straight as a arrow either
    <a class="uiLinkSubtle" href="https://www.facebook.com/derrick.bartels/posts/712984503272?comment_id=1903916&offset=0&total_comments=6" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;N&quot;}" data-reactid=".r[131vb].[1][4][1]{comment712984503272_1903916}.[0].{right}.[0].{left}.[0].[3].[0].[0].[1]"><abbr class="livetimestamp" title="Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 3:48pm" data-utime="1382474905" data-reactid=".r[131vb].[1][4][1]{comment712984503272_1903916}.[0].{right}.[0].{left}.[0].[3].[0].[0].[1].[0]">17 minutes ago</abbr> via mobile · Like
  • C So what is normal?
    <a class="uiLinkSubtle" href="https://www.facebook.com/derrick.bartels/posts/712984503272?comment_id=1903919&offset=0&total_comments=6" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;N&quot;}" data-reactid=".r[131vb].[1][4][1]{comment712984503272_1903919}.[0].{right}.[0].{left}.[0].[3].[0].[0].[1]"><abbr class="livetimestamp" title="Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 3:52pm" data-utime="1382475131" data-reactid=".r[131vb].[1][4][1]{comment712984503272_1903919}.[0].{right}.[0].{left}.[0].[3].[0].[0].[1].[0]">14 minutes ago</abbr> via mobile · Like
person D has had 4 spikes in one trail cam photo and believes bad genetics are being passed on because thats to many to have in an area
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I don't recall the name of the article or who did it, but there was an article in North American Whitetail a few years back that was centered around a study of bucks and how their future "mature" racks compare to their first year racks. The end result was a bucks future rack cannot be measured by their first year rack (1.5 year old). There was no distinction in future rack sizes based on whether they were a spike, four point, six point etc. during their 1st years antler growth. A spike has bad genetics? I don't buy it.
Spikes are likely to be 1 1/2 year old deer out of younger does, maybe even fawns that breed their first fall. Means they got a little later start. Born later, less milk etc. They will catch up to there genetic potential in another year or two. The concept of shooting spikes as genetic inferiors has largely been disproven and abandoned by the informed. Person "D" knows not of what he/she speaks!
Spikes are likely to be 1 1/2 year old deer out of younger does, maybe even fawns that breed their first fall. Means they got a little later start. Born later, less milk etc. They will catch up to there genetic potential in another year or two. The concept of shooting spikes as genetic inferiors has largely been disproven and abandoned by the informed. Person "D" knows not of what he/she speaks!

My view on the issue of spikes as well.
I watched two spike bucks for three years with trail camera pictures,they were both easily identified because they did not have tails,rhe first year both had about 6 inch spikes the second year they were both about 110 inch 8 pointers. 3rd year the one was a really nice 160 inch deer and the other was never seen again,and I have yet to get a pic of the other one,prob. Got killed during the antlerless season
Good stuff, I need to hang out here more!

Here is one for you to throw in the mix: I have a friend that is up in MN hunting as we speak, SE Minn. home of the biggies. He is being guided, yawn, and they say shoot our 8 pointers all day long because that's all they will ever be, an 8 is an 8 is an 8. I know I don't agree and if I dig deep enough in my photos if a small herd I follow I know darn good and well I can disprove this but can I? Help!
I definately believe an 8 is 8 is a bunch of bs.How do deer become 14 pointers or on they add tines they weren't a 14 pointer when they were 1.5 or 2.5 most likely.How many young deer do you see sporting racks with tons of points,some but not many
Good stuff, I need to hang out here more!

Here is one for you to throw in the mix: I have a friend that is up in MN hunting as we speak, SE Minn. home of the biggies. He is being guided, yawn, and they say shoot our 8 pointers all day long because that's all they will ever be, an 8 is an 8 is an 8. I know I don't agree and if I dig deep enough in my photos if a small herd I follow I know darn good and well I can disprove this but can I? Help!

I have thought the same before but have proof its not the case. Had a deer on cam last year that was about 140" main frame 8. Had one additional sticker off his left base. This year he showed up as a main frame 10 with split 2's. Took me a bit to figure out which deer it was but its the same one no doubt.
Good stuff, I need to hang out here more!

Here is one for you to throw in the mix: I have a friend that is up in MN hunting as we speak, SE Minn. home of the biggies. He is being guided, yawn, and they say shoot our 8 pointers all day long because that's all they will ever be, an 8 is an 8 is an 8. I know I don't agree and if I dig deep enough in my photos if a small herd I follow I know darn good and well I can disprove this but can I? Help!

Some 8's blow up into giant deer, some stay an 8 their whole life. Are we talking about a 2.5 year old 8 or a 5.5 year old 8? Two total different animals and the latter should be shot. The former may turn into a typical 12, non-typical double drop, no way to be certain on younger 8's what they will turn into.

I look more at tine length on younger deer to get an idea of what they are going to do and even then, its not 100% accurate. Some young deer with short tines blow up by putting on a pile of tines/mass.

Only way to know for sure what a deer is going to turn into is wait and see what they turn into :way:
My favorite deer I have been blessed to harvest was a perfect 8. I wouldn't trade it for a 200 inch non-typical. He's the buck in my avatar.
Good stuff, I need to hang out here more! Here is one for you to throw in the mix: I have a friend that is up in MN hunting as we speak, SE Minn. home of the biggies. He is being guided, yawn, and they say shoot our 8 pointers all day long because that's all they will ever be, an 8 is an 8 is an 8. I know I don't agree and if I dig deep enough in my photos if a small herd I follow I know darn good and well I can disprove this but can I? Help!

We had an 8 pt (assuming 2.5 yr old last season) turn into a great looking 10 pt this year, even his G4s are pretty nice. I honestly was not expecting what became of him. Hoping he makes it to next year!
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