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Split G-2 getting bigger


PMA Member

Will this guy end up in the 170's gross? I may be way off due to the velvet. Thanks
I think you're in the ballpark....I'm not a very good guess, but know a good buck when I see it - and that's a nice buck! :way:
He's got a lot of junk that will be deductions if he is scored as a typical. That split will be a deduction and you won't get any inches for that unless they score him non typical. He might gross in the mid 150's. He's got short brows, short tines, and short beams. Awesome buck non the less but IMO 170's is way to high. But like i said you can't really tell from a picture. Arrow that pig and we'll know for sure.
NETS are fish Booner, he wants to know how many green gross inches that bucks has...... and right now, he has way more than 150 inches! I bet he would land somewhere in the 160's, only because he lacks mass
I would say 165 - 170 right now. hes a great deer with alot of extra junk. great deer to take. good luck and let us know what he scores.
PHENSWAY- before you call me out, realize that SPLITS done count for ANYTHING EVEN FOR A GROSS SCORE. RIGHT THERE IS 8-10 inches that are absolutely nothing but tines he grew for nothing, unless he is scored non typ which my friend he is not going too. I agree with your comment but if your wanting to know HOW BIG the buck is and if he'll make it in the books (which your nets what gets you in) i was just giving my opinion.
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