Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Split Limb


PMA Member
Here's the trusty Mathews on the 3rd day of my hunt last week.

Hate to see that happen. Terrible timing as well. I am a little surprised tho...you do alot of out of state hunting....have you thought about a back up rig? You can pick up an excellent "go to" bow that is several years old, for a great price. Hell even I have an ancient Rival Pro that is about ready to come to the front line when this recurve gives me more guff. I had an XI do the same thing many moons ago. sucks.
if you are determined to shoot an older model like that, you can probalby find the same thing on ebay or archerytalk. have a back up that is a replica to your hunting bow
Lambert werent you the one giving me chit about my hoyt?? /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

On a serious note that does suck and it couldnt have come at a worse time. Like Tee-roy said you can probably pick one up on ebay or archerytalk.If you want a new bow Buck Hollow has a great selection and awesome prices. Good luck and let us know how everything goes.
Pulled a smart one and sold my backup last year. Friend of mine wanted to get into hunting so I figured I'd help him out.

I should probably start looking for another one.

On our out of state hunts, my dad brings his old PSE for a backup....its a pretty awesome setup....check out the homemade sight.
Thunder Flite?? Hell yhea, mine rode a few miles on the roof of my truck until I turned a corner. Picked her up killed a deer with her that night. Where can a guy get some of those sights? /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
Now those sights are pretty rare...and expensive!

That would be the Lambert Buck Killer version 2.
They're custom made to order.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tlambert</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Now those sights are pretty rare...and expensive!

I've got one downstairs in my stuff. I would sell it if the price was right. BIG money!! They work fine just don't plan to be very constistant. I used it for 4-5 years. But my new one is much better
that Sucks!!!!!

I hope it didnt ruin your hunt!!

Mathews will take care of you, get a hold of them!!
My dad's mathews conquest did the same thing on the bottom limb. I tried to give him my old Hoyt ultratec to use but he didn't want to try to set up and get use to a new bow this time of the year. So he got a thin piece of wood, several clamps, and some super glue. I was laughing my you know what off telling him that will never hold. Well 2000+ shots later it looks and shoots as good as new (tack driver). Man I hate it when the old man makes me look stupid. Mathews wouldn't sell parts direct and the local mathews dealer wanted $200.00 for a new set of limbs....yea right. I told him before he did that he should just put that money towards a Bowtech Guardian like mine. His reply was...why would I spend that kind of money when a $3.00 bottle of super glue made her like new? You can do what what you want but I guess I would give super glue a try. Your limb looks exactly like my dads did. Just the outer layer came loose. The only thing you would be out is $3.00. Good luck.
when your new limbs get in, send your old ones to iowaqdm, and have his dad patch them up. you will then have a backup set, if you ever need them again
I'll have to get the old limbs when I go to the shop this morning to pick up my bow. I got charged 150 for a set since I wasn't the original owner, but now those limbs are under warranty for me. Mathews overnighted them...for a small fee, so at least I can have my bow before the weekend.
Before we knew they could overnight some, the shop guy was setting me up with a beast of an old fred bear as a loaner. That thing felt about twice as heavy as my mathews...but at least it would've done the trick if it needed to.
The'ol MQ1 might be turning into a backup bow for me next year anyways....we'll see.
Got my bow back yesterday.
Seems like the limbs are thicker near the wheel/cam than the other one. Feels a bit heavier too...but that may just be cuz I was hunting with an MQ32 last week.

Shoots right on and I'm ready to hit the woods tomorrow...or maybe even today if I can sneak out of the office.
glad to hear you are back at it T.
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