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spooking deer


Hey everyone, just been thinking about all the times I have had to spook deer out of my evening fields when it gets dark due to climbing out of my stand. Didn't know if any of you had any secrets you use to not spook the deer as much!
Over the years of bow hunting I would take the fastest way in...But as i take the fastest way i would spook more deer...So i thought about this in the summer and started finding the best possible way to get to my stand without spooking any deer, i would go out and basically scout the best way to get into and out of my stand for mourning hunts and afternoon hunts.
Do you guys try to go into your stand a certain way based on the wind or do you not think thats all that important? my dad seems to think he needs to walk the whole east side of our property to get to a stand thats in the middle of the property. I think it would be better to just walk the field straight to the stand. so what do you guys think? Long way and possibly spook deer but use the wind more to your advantage or the short way and for sure not spook deer but possibly have your scent go into the woods?
stay low away from where thier feeding, In the eve bark like a dog and scare them away before climbing down
Deer in some places may tolerate being bumped, but, we dont hunt an afternoon feeding area unless we can get in and out without alerting the deer. Our best spots are creek ditches and steep hillsides that allow us to get in and out even if deer are in the feild. These are mostly groundblinds we will start hunting this weekend for youth then bowhunt and mloader the rest of the season. Even though they are way overhunted they get better all the way untill the end of season. If you get busted everytime you hunt a feeding field it will burn out real quick and bucks wont show untill way after dark.

I would have to agree with your dad on walking the long perimeter way in with the wind. If the deer you are hunting smell you going in its over. Plus if you bump deer on the perimeter you most likely just push them into yours rather than off your property. I also like walking perimeters just to educate the deer to the border and danger.
Im not saying driving in would be the best way if you were going to do it every day.

I agree the long way around to spook less deer would be the best.

I like the tip Bill gave on MWW on using washouts and creek bottoms. Keeps your profile and scent low.

Having someone drive in would have less affect than trying to walk out along the field.

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