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Sportsmen of Iowa ...


Well-Known Member
If you are not a resident of Iowa and you visit this site regularly you probably posses the following traits:

#1 - You are in the upper echelon of whitetail hunters - your obsession with whitetails, mature bucks, conservation and ethics have steered you here.

#2 - You are probably thick skinned, so to speak, as this site at times is a hot bed for Iowa non-resident hunting regulations.

Our passion for the hunting whitetails, brings us all together no matter the state or country we are from. Yet controversy of Iowa non-resident hunting regulations all to often alienates members not residing in Iowa.

Iowa by comparison to it's neighboring states concerning non-resident hunting regulations and resident hunters territorialism is not construed as friendly. I'll be the first to admit this and apologize for alienating anyone - especially on this site. Yet these very same rules, regulations, expressions and etc are the reason that Iowa has world class whitetail hunting, relatively low demand for hunting land and readily available land access for all when compared to neighboring Midwest States.

Non-resident Iowa tag allocation does not meet its demand and many great people are turned away each year. It's hard to explain or justify to a landowner that he can't hunt his own land. It' hard to tell a father that his son can't come home and hunt with the family every year. It's just plain hard to tell a fellow sportsman "NO". Yet the regulations and tag restrictions on Non Resident of Iowa are the core reasons that Iowa still has readily available land access and lower overall deer numbers when compared to other Midwest states. Residents and Non Residents alike can still have great success knocking on doors and gain hunting with a handshake It's these regulations and tag allocations that still make it affordable to purchase land within Iowa's boundaries for all. It's these regulations and tag allocations that provide us with world-class whitetail hunting and this is why they are so sacred to the majority of Iowa hunters.

We discuss Iowa hunting issues here and because of so much controversy concerning our tag allocations etc at this time of the year the term "non-residents" is thrown around loosely. My point overall is that it is tough to discuss these issues without making people feel alienated, however the Iowawhitetail staff will do it's best at making everyone feel at home.

You are a fellow Sportsman and deserve that respect. Stay thick skinned and I'll leave you with our Mission statement.

Iowawhitetail.com - Iowa's information resource for whitetail deer

At Iowawhitetail.com, it is our mission to promote, protect and maintain the integrity of hunting, provide timely and accurate information for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts everywhere while creating an environment that is friendly and educational for all members of our outdoor community.

While we may not have known each other that well in school, we knew each other and always liked and respected you. You should know that, while I live 1500 miles from where I grew up and my heart loves the mountains, a big chunk of my heart stayed in Iowa. Having worked in wildlife management for almost 20 years now, including for state agencies and now with state agencies as a Fed. States should ALWAYS favor their residents over their non-residents. Iowa residents have it very good with being able to buy multiple tags OTC every year. NRs have a lottery if they want to hunt and NRs shouldn't really complain considering its a true preference point system and it works. I know I can come back there and hunt every 2-3 years. I can't say that about my home state of AZ because of our lottery system and bonus point system (different than preference points). Our system doesn't really favor NRs, but it sure doesn't make it easy for residents either. One of the big reasons I want to move from AZ is because I'm tired of not being able to hunt elk every year or even every other year. NRs who want to go hunt in Iowa should remember that it is their privilege and not their right, as it should be.

Maybe its because I have thick skin, but I sure don't see the need for you to apologize for a state and its residents wanting to keep hunting privileges in favor of the residents. Your apology is appreciated and it shows the character of the guy I remember, but, as far as I'm concerned, its not necessary!
I do not see this as an apology for Iowa's stance on NR hunting. One should not be given because its a solid policy. To me this is more of a statement speaking to how, in general, non resident hunters are perceived on the forum. It's just a reminder that the forum doesn't support ill will in that arena, but at the same token acknowledging its presence. It's just a reminder for everyone to see and an olive branch to continue the development of the forum. We all know how volatile this subject is and to new members is can turn them away. I believe that isn't in the spirit of what OneCam is trying to convey.
At first read, it had a bit of an apologetic tone to it and interpretation of written messages is often wide open. At any rate, my main point that Chris' sentiments are appreciated stands.
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