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spot hogg custom fiber optic cover?


I need some help from the guys with custom spot hoggs. My fiber optics keep getting broken next to the turret. It's the second time and I can't have this happen during the season. The spot hogg is indestructible but if the pins don't glow and get broke it's pointless to have such a tough sight.

i saw what Onecam had for a cover but that looks pretty custom and if I could get one I certainly would.
So if any of you guys know what to put on there for a cover i would appreciate it.

Here is a pic not close but you should see what I mean:
The angle you have on the fiber optic seems too be too much of an angle. That may be why it is breaking.
I'm not sure what you mean shredder. Plus I think the optics broke because they caught on stuff in the field. I know I could run 2 on top and 3 to the bottom. It was the top 20 yd optic that broke and the 60 optic as well. I don't think the angle is to hard on the 20 one though.
here's a look at the cover ...

I used a 1" clear tube and sliced it length wise - drilled a few well placed holes and attached with zip ties
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