Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Spring Song:


Well-Known Member
Was walking in the woods ,,heard a bird giving it's spring song today!. Strange? Stranger yet is temps are going to drop 40 degrees in the next couple days,,and without any precipitation. More than the strange temps,,I still think the lack of precip, will be the big weather story this year. Keep hoping I'm wrong. I've got lots of fruit trees planted.
Last Sunday there was a big flock of robins all over my yard. There must have been a couple of hundred of them. I wasn't sure if they had already came back or just never left for the winter. I think that they picked every berry from all the crab and Bradford pear trees. I am also concerned about the lack of mositure or snow cover so far. The last 2 springs were so wet here and the temps so warm early that I had almost no apples from my 30 trees, but maybe this year will be better.
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