Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Stand Help?

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Well-Known Member
Well, once we get this place cleaned up from all the trespassers, poachers, campers , Fishers, and people that are just dumping junk. It might be a good place to hunt. Wondering where I should place stands once we get it cleaned up? It should be better by next year. I've seen 2 Trespassers and I've been out twice to our farm. All I can tell you is where they bed :/ there's too many trails/scrapes/rubs to even think of a possible path. They bed west of the biggest pond in a 40 acre+ Timber (this is almost a entire section)

EDIT: Forgot to mention! I'm going stand hunting today on this property :p bound to find at least 2. Nobody in the last 5 years has had permission to hunt it besides my Dads shotgun group (which he goes with) and my bow hunting buddy (he only hunts it when I'm with him). So no stands/cams/anything should be on this property. Also, forgot to mention north of the neighbors pond he has at least 1 stand so I don't really want to hunt over that way and ruin his hunts.


Added with the neighbors
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Looks like an awesome property for party shotgun hunting. Might be tuff to bow hunt and get to a stand. Id think anywhere near that pond wound be good or in the middle of any of the fingers..
I like the small woods north and east of the neighbors big pond. A little bit close to the property line, but it looks like good crop ground and I am sure the deer will work out toward that small woods...decoy, or just set up on west side of the woods on the narrow part between that long wooded draw.
Near the tips of any of the fingers would be a good start. You should be able to fine tune a set up(s) with just a few sits. After season, go in and find the trails, rub lines, and scrape lines and add them to the info you have from this year set ups. Based on crop rotation, things may be way different next season.
Go talk to the neighbor and make friends. You guys should take turns sitting on the inside corner just west of his pond right on the fence.

Otherwise put some stands up in the middle of those fingers early next year and pattern deer movement.
I'd think that looking at the map putting a stand on the northeast side of that small pond on the far east side of the map would be a good pinch point with them moving along that finger between that big chunk of woods where you said they bed and the chunk to the north of that smaller pond. I would work great with a southwest wind. I'd say really get in there and walk it this winter shed hunting and find the main paths/rub lines/ etc. Also next summer maybe hang a couple stands on the end of the fingers and watch and see where the deer like to move through. Looks like a great place to hunt, I'd be pumped if I were you.
Just taking a quick look, not being able to see the surrounding area and not having a topo I like these spots. Especially the ones with the white arrows. I marked them as "rut stands" but I think some of them would make great stand sites for other times of the season depending on crops. Once the season is over get out there and scout thoroughly to find buck beds, doe bedding areas, scrape and rub lines, etc. Mark it all down on a map and you should be able to put it all together. After that just figure out you entry and exit routs, get your stands ready, wait for the right winds and don't over hunt your spots and you should be killing some nice bucks.

Just be careful not to over hunt your spots. It's easy to do. However, when it comes to the rut you can usually get away with hunting your spots more often because you are mostly hunting transient bucks from other farms just passing through looking for does.
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