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Start-up of New Mock Scrape


New Member
Started a new mock scrape last week. Had a bunch of free scent [P@@ jug] from sitting in a blind with son while bear hunting so I figured I would put it to good use. It only took 7 hours for the 1st buck to show up. The Big Bear checked it out also.







I'm still not sold on using ur own pee. I know the deer are checking it but they are not marking it from looking at ur pix. Do u have any pix where they are working the scrape? Thanks, and nice pix!
If they work the scrap or not this should prove the if you got to go.....go. It sure didnt scare them away like so many think. Nice thread.
Good god I don't pee that much all day, only in the evenings!:drink2: On a serious note I have a buddy that has pics of some really good bucks on his own pee scrapes u will be fine.
It definitely works, I made a mock scrape a month ago and peed in it. It is now the size of the hood of my truck and I had 1200 pics in 30 days. I pee in every scrape I see.
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