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Still chasing?


PMA Member
This is only my second year out late season, so I'm not always familiar with what deer do this late in the year. I was out hunting this afternoon and saw a one sided fork horn chasing a yearling doe. Is it normal to see bucks this late still breeding the does that weren't bred during the first rut?
This is only my second year out late season, so I'm not always familiar with what deer do this late in the year. I was out hunting this afternoon and saw a one sided fork horn chasing a yearling doe. Is it normal to see bucks this late still breeding the does that weren't bred during the first rut?
I've seen it in January, as you mention, a yearling doe that wasn't old enough to come into estrous with the older deer back in November.
Yeah, no doubt. I had a good 3 year old buck chasing a doe last year in MN on last day of season...December 31st. He was on her grunting hard and running circles around me.
I have saw several chasing during this late muzzleloader season. In fact one showed up to look at a couple of does that were already in the field and by the time I got him ranged, he left when the doe he chased to the fence turned around and left and he was gone.
Every year same thing. Like clock-work every night I have a couple groups of bucks sparring a little. Some younger bucks chasing some does, often fawns. I saw a "hot doe" about 2 weeks ago with a train of bucks behind. some young fawns came into heat earlier. I even had a shed buck chasing a doe last night, not hard but was interesting.
My dad saw 5 bucks on a doe on his drive to work the other morning. 3 were over 150. He claimed one was world class. Happens every year as the little ones come into heat.
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