Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

still tyrin'



was out this am with lots of movement early had a (hot) doe come thru at 40 yrds followed by a 150 class 10 about 1/2 hr later a 130 class 8 follows same line w/ his nose to the grnd. a little later two small 8s doing the same thing and then a little later a 6 also. The power of a hot doe must be awsome!!
Spent the whole day out and saw zero rutting activity and zero shooter bucks. We did see a lot of deer though and managed to stay wet.
I think spinfxr had it made though with a seat in the double bull this afternoon. He even got his beauty sleep but I couldn't tell.
I saw more bucks in a two hour span this morning that I've seen in the past week. Not exagerating either.

I haven't been out for over a week. I have a feeling things will be hot with the rut winding down and the temperatures falling. Although I'm happy for everyone who has scored and I love seeing the pictures (BTW CRITR - sweet buck from this morning), I'm getting frustrated typing, "great buck - congrats!" and am ready to punch the release on a good one of my own. Next weeks vacation and I'm stoked. Good luck to those who haven't yet scored.

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