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Stokerized Stabilizers


Well-Known Member
Anyone use these? What are your thoughts on them compared to an Octane? I currently shoot an Octane and think its great compared to everything else I have tried, but just always looking for new things... any input is greatly appreciated..thanks :way:
you know, I have never given my stabilizer much consideration. from a hunters perspective what matter besides some weight out front to balance out your setup?
After shooting many different stabs and even making my own ive decided that bee-stinger has hit the nail on the head. A true "stabilizer" something that helps you hold steady on the target. I don't believe thwt any thing under 12" will actually act as a stabilizer as it it is too close to the bow.
Yes shorter stabs allow you to balance your bow or to take vibration out of your bow but to truly stabilize your sight pic 12" and over will get the job done.
I reccomend that you borrow a targer stabilizer somewhere in the 22-30" range and get used to shooting it and then try out some shorter so called " hunting" stabilizers. You will be able to feel what your after.
The idea is to have the weight as far away from the bow and have the rod or bar that holds that weight be as light as possible.
Ive shot some stokerized stuff but ive been shooting a 12" b-stinger on my hunting bow for the last 3 yrs and have zero complaints. I started out with a custom made very light weight and now I'm shooting a 10 oz weight. It works great for me but its one of those personal preference deals. try to get your hands on as much free stuff to tey as you can and go from there.
A good stabilizer can make all the difference in the world. Goodluck
I have shot the Stokerized Nucleus for the last couple of years. The rods can be moved back and forth to fit your setup. Weights can also be added in four different spots. Good for hunting and target shooting.
Just put an SS1 on my new Experience - very nice stabilizer that balances the bow out very well.
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