Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Stolen Deer!


New Member
Early in the season I passed up dozens of does waitng to take a nice mature one and I got my chance. My arrow made its way 30 yards through my skinny brush lined shooting lane about 5 minutes from closing time. I was pumped because I knew I made a nice shot on a nice doe. I only had my Geo Prism so I made a phone call to my dad.

He showed up with his truck and we began to track in the dark. The blood trail was showing pink so I knew it was a lung shot. We heard some truck doors slam out on the road that was about 40 yards from where we were. That was strange being that we were in a rural area. We headed out to the road to make sure no one was messing withour vehicles. To make a long stroy short, the truck gunned it as we emereged from the woods and we now knew where my deer had fallen. It had died right on the edge of the road which is where the blood trail led us to. But there on the side of the road was a gut pile and fresh squeal marks left only minutes ago by a truck. The deer had probably only laid dead for maybe 45 minutes which was enough time for someone to steal a venison dinner. The deer stealer easily saw our lights as we tracked within the woods so he was not thinking that he was just taking road kill deer. He knew it was fresh meat! As my dad and I stood there baffled on the side of the quiet country road a truck came flying around the corner, and seeing us slammed on the breaks and made a 180 degree turn and disappeared once again.

Just venting some bowhunter's anger...Well, good hunting to all on this Halloween night!
Hang in there......they can't take away that feeling you had when your shot rang true. It's amazing where these low lifes spring up. Hang your head high....you did everything right.
Best hush program you could find. It was a doe at least and not a trophy buck. I would look at it as you have one kill and didn't even use a tag. Do it again. Two for the price of one you can't beat that. And it didn't go to waste. Just hope you had a pass through and didn't loose an arrow. Must admit that that is pretty low.
bukket, you're violent.

i'd have maybe slung a blunt tipped arrow instead. i'm just not so violent
Sounds like you get to shoot another deer my friend! Pretty crappy deal on what they did but just think you will hopefully get to relive the excitment of another shot.
Maybe they will get stopped on the way home by the local Game Warden and have to explain an untagged deer. That would be justice enough for me. Still a crappy deal in my book.
Now that even pisses me off! That's sad that you have to worry about your deer being stolen nowadays......I guess all you can do is go shoot another doe...atleast you'll get some good practice!
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