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Stray Shot Injures 4


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Stray Shoot Injures 4 Students in Tenn.

Resident Says He Was Hunting Turkey on His Property

MOUNT JULIET, Tenn. -- Four elementary students in Wilson County are recovering from minor injuries after a stray bullet landed on school grounds.

Sheriff Terry Ashe said a man was hunting turkeys on his farm behind Gladeville Elementary School. A single shot, fired from about 125 yards away, hit a tree on the school playground.

Pellets and debris fell from the tree, hitting four fifth-grade girls. The school was locked down for about 40 minutes but was dismissed on time at 2:15 p.m.

School officials said the girls were not badly hurt, and the hunter is not in trouble, though Ashe told him to be more careful.
I'd be interested in knowing the whole story here. "shot and debris" ?????? From 125 yards????? What the heck was he shooting?
Hitting a tree at 125 yards with a shot gun- then having the stuff fall on you, come on now!? I'm not saying that guy wasn't being an idiot for not watching where he was shooting but man, what a bunch of sissys!!! :)
who would hunt 125 yards from a school playground with a gun.then shoot towards it.even if its legal,its not smart.WOW
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