Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Stuck in the Stand



Well saturday after noon went out not expecting to see deer until night fall, which I was right. Well about dark 8 to 10 deer surrounded my stand on a narrow bean field. They came in about 6:30, and didn't leave until I had to get down at 7:30. It was so dark I couldn't see, but apparently the deer could see me as all of them took off, including the buck!!! What the heck do you do? You can't sit there all night, and I hate, I mean I hate spooking deer! From this stand there is really no safe exite routes. So what is a guy suppose to do?????
Thanks and good hunting
I would wait it out as long as I could then drop something to spook them off. Just dont move around alot. If all else fails, bite the bullet and start climbing down. Chnces are they will spook off at the slightest sound. Deer cannot reason, they will forget about it in a day or so.
Sounds strange but I always pack a coyote call in the stand with me and keep it in my pocket while on stand...you would be amazed at how quick they will scatter when you howl on it. Something to think about......
I like Shredders idea. Someone once posted that they barked - softly at first then growing louder - as if a dog were coming. I tried it once and it seemed to work well on a couple does. Might be worth a try.
i agree with shredder though i do as carl off of caddyshack says...

"bark like a dog"

it works great.
Then again,

If you hunt as much as I do, the does pretty much know you by name. Ya get down out of the tree, they are so used to you being there they just kinda move out of the way and greet you. "oh its just Pat AGAIN!!!" "dont you have anything better to do with your time?"

The Bucks dont seem to play the first name basis game though.
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