Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

stupid stupid stupid!!!!!!!




Well here goes just gotta vent on this one. Set me stand back in Aug knowing that I wouldn't be hunting it until Nov because it is HOT during the rut. It is a natural funnel between three tracts of timber and always full of sign late Oct.
I go to the stand this am and get in the stand and I know right away that I'm screwd. In my stand I find more screw in steps than I put there when I set it. After light I start to look around and see 6 "scent bombs" hanging in the area from the stand start loking around more and see that there is a "trail" to the stand from the field. I set for a couple of hrs seeing nothing so decide to give it up and climb down & check things out a little better. I start checking out the trails and find not a sign of a track. I go cut down the "bombs" and then find a few more around the area. Kind of really ticks me off BIG TIME I scout this area, set the stand, and thinking I am leaving it alone until prime time just to find some lo-life scum-bag hunts it all early season spreds some kind of scent all over the area and has prob. sent every deer in the area into the next county. I was so pissed I pulled the stand and went home. Now what do you guys think I should do?? My first thought was to go back and set in the area of the stand and when "mr.lo-life" comes to hunt it next "kick his ass"
or I thought about leaving the stand in the tree and just about cutting the webbing through. that would teach the SOB a lesson but I couldn't bring myself to do that.

Sorry about this but had to vent a little.
That sucks, is it private ground? Anyway, you never sit in someone elses stand!!! Way to go jerky, leaving the scentbombs all over the timber. I would've left the stand and a letter attached to the seat saying how pissed you were. That's almost worse than them stealing your stand. Looks like plan B is in order for you. I have a couple hot spots that I don't set foot into until early Nov. There will probably be some clown sitting there when I walk in Saturday. Sorry to hear your trouble.
God some jerks have nerve. I just got one back that was stolen, guy had taken it out of the tree redid the platform then gave it to his kid.
I had this problem last year with a high school kid. This year, I locked the treestand in the folded position and will have to unlock it each time I use it. Hopefully he gets the hint!
I just had the same thing happen to me. My "honey hole" was found by someone else this year. I never go in until Halloween to make sure everything is undisturbed. I headed in last weekend and found a stand barely 40 yards away from mine. It sucks but I guess that's life on public ground. I just wish he had taken the bright orange stickers off of his sticks that he left unlocked on the tree!!! Thankfully he hasn't been in the stand since I've been in there but I know we're going to meet up within the next week or so. I'll admit though it does get me out of the sack a little earlier to make sure I'm there first.
Similar situation with me tonight - I have a stand to intercept bucks as they cruise between bedding areas. I started seeing bucks about 2:45 today - a couple dandy's. About 4:30 a doe starts heading down the trail, right on her tail is the one I've been saving an arrow for. At that very moment an ATV comes racing through the field scattering seer, the guy jumps off and climbs into a stand about 40 yards away from me. Needless to say the doe and the bruiser are still running. This was on private ground. I have sat in this stand twice - both times this has happened.
I had a similar situation last week. My father and I have been hunting this 80 acres for the last 15 years. Last year I went in to find my old stand had taken a beating from good ol mother nature and had fallen down. A friend and me went to build one in the same tree back in August. Now I hunted this stand 4 times in October and had quite a few deer come in, just nothing big. Now I went there the other day and to my surprise there was a new 18 ft ladder stand about 50 yards from mine. This is however on someone elses property but he is relying on my timber to bring the deer to him. And to top it off, directly behind me on the other fenceline I see someone had built two ground blinds from old trees. Now this piece of ground is only about 1/2 of an acre and he is also relying on my timber to bring him the deer! To make this even better I noticed a salt block mysteriously appeared right by the "blinds". Needless to say I was a little ticked off but due to these other stands being on the adjacent properties there is'nt much I can do about it. Bah humbug....
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