Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Sucks to be me........



How do you guys store your Scent Lok suits? Since I don't have anything to put mine in, I always put it in a trash bag. Last week, my husband decided to wash it for me and he put it in a trash bag for me and guess what? He took it out with the trash. Realizing what he had done, he raced up to the highway to retrieve it, but the sanitation truck had already been there. I paid $580.00 for it, an entire week of my salary from my part-time job. The thing is, he never remembers me at Christmas, so I wrote Cabela's and told them to remind him. Wanna help? His name is Tracy Templeton & his cell is 641-680-6240. He'll love me for this. Thanks a bunch!!!!

PS. Larry......don't tell I posted this!

Have a good day!
sorry to hear that, but, it is somewhat funny!! bet you get a nice xmas gift this year!!
That sucks! But Muddys right...It is funny. I love the way you are going about getting even with the ol' man. Hope you see the humor in it soon.
Hunt on All4s
Ouch! That does suck! Reminds me of last year when I was sitting on the edge of the field and a skunk came walking by. I was praying he wouldn't spook and spray me...I wasn't thinking about me, but was worring about my equipment. I just knew I would never get the smell out of my Scentblocker suit. Lucky for me he walked by at 5 feet and never batted an eye.

Hope he makes it up to you.
sure sounds like tracy, im sure he might break down and buy you a new pair, if he wants to stop hearing about it!!
by the way verna, did you ever get one with your bow?
Oh man......... I have to laugh and look at it in a different way. Im in the garbage buisness (going on 20 yrs now) and have been on the other side of this. I was picking up a apartment complex 1 day and opened the container to find a hunters present. There sat a brand new Military Alice pack with everything to supply a soldier. Im talking helmet, parachute harness, poncho, poncho liner, jacket, pants, gloves, duffle bag with all kinds of stuff in there. This was so new it doesnt look like it was ever used.

So, talk to the Garbageman hes probably driving around with a new Scent Lok suit!!!!!!!!
Well.....It's a woman's suit, so I hope it fits (LOL). I was thinking the same thing........the garbage man got his christmas present for his wife (LOL).

Oh yes......I do see the humor in it. I didn't even get mad as I, too, had to laugh, but didn't let him hear me.

No Michael.....I haven't got a buck yet with my bow.

Well....I'll be out there freezing come December 22nd, unless my husband buys me a new Scentlok suit as all I have to wear are thin raggy faded out coveralls. I look like a scarecrow in those things.
Well, that bites! I also have used garbage bags in the past and worried that would happed. I got a bag out of Cabelas. It is called a Boundry Water II Roll-Top Dry Bag the item number is SD- 51-4114 and it comes in a couple different sizes. You can push the air out of it and roll it down and it snaps shut and stays air tight. I have used the super large zip lock type bags but after a while they won't zip shut anymore. I have had this Roll-Top bag for years and I really like it. It works great and if we go boating it doulbles as a dry bag.
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