Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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Season is all wrapped up here. I tossed out a couple bags of barley to see what bucks in one area I hunt made it through the season. This guy came close to getting my arrow in mid Sept. and his lucky charms carried him another 3 months. I hope this winter is easier on him than last one and he can get back to what he looked like in 08. He's beat up, busted off a small drop tine on the right side, has a wound on his face, right ear seems hanging and he looks cold.



In order to keep the survivor thread easy I'll just add to this one as I get them. If it warms up in the next week, I'll try get a few bags of grain and a couple more cams on different pieces to see which bucks survived there as well. The temps now aren't overly camera friendly.
Am actually shocked to see this guy. Not a big buck but a decent 3 1/2 with some potential. I ran into him around very turn in oct. it seems so I assumed his ways would get him killed, it appears they never.

Nice to see what made it through season, gives a person hope for next season and starts the dreaming and scheming. I'm a month out for any of those pics.
Happy to see this guy alive,..though as each yr passes, I suspect the odds of them making a mistake decreases.


He came out of this yrs war with only one busted tine..last yr he didn't. Looks like the left g2 was stuck in some buck fat and hair awhile back.
I bet you wish you could build a shed for those guys to eat and sleep in all winter. Mother nature is sure tough on things sometimes. Awesome post!
Sure to see some of those a little closer when they start dropping huh Kaare? :grin: Looks like a good inventory to have at this point in the game. Hope the weather is bearable for the rest of the year.:way:
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