Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Sweet #9


death from above
Watched a couple of good Toms and a bunch of hens go to roost last night, so I devised a plan for this morning and sat in my truck waiting for the rain to stop! I wanted to try something different so I took my ghillie suit and one hen decoy and set up right in the edge of the corn field where they went in the woods last night! I layed right next to the decoy waiting for daylight in the mud :grin: Once it cracked light I could hear the hens making a little noise but no gobbles. Shortly after 6 I heard them pitch down and the thundering started. I layed there for about 15 minutes until one of the hens came fluttering into the field and lit about 5 feet from me. Then another, then one more and then the red head on the edge of the field about 10 yards away! I clicked the safety off and slowely raised the gun and the rest is history :way: 6:20am and my season is officially over! This is one of the more exciting hunts I have had in awhile. It's fun to be up close and personal with them. First time I have broke out the ghillie in about 5 years, but I may be doing a bit more of it :way:

This makes the 9th bird of the season that I have either killed or called in for my buddies between Iowa and Kansas. A total of 7 days hunted so far. Great season so far, and this is one of the best birds of the year.

24.5 lbs + 1 1/4 spur + 1 3/8 spur + 11.5 beard
= 24.5+1.25+1.375+23 = 73.75

Some pics. Solo hunt so sorry for the poor pics

As he layed


On the freezer at home


Spurs (the tape isn't quite tight in the pic)

Good luck to all of you with 4th season tags (especially my partner) :D
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Congrats! Thats a dandy bird! Its amazing how close you can get sometimes in a ghillie suit. I love mine.
Nice work... I woke up at 3:50 this morning and looked at the radar.. saw a lot of red and orange and decided more sleep was in my very near future. Hopefully it holds off tomorrow
You need to change your screen name to dedturks! :D Great season you are having, I bet that hunt was exciting! :way:
Good bird. Way to get it done. I haven't even been out yet and now I'm contemplating bow or gun. Congrats Man....
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