Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

T/C dimension


PMA Member
Anyone seen or know much about this new rifle? From the little I've read about it, it seems pretty awesome! Same idea as the contender with using the same stock and trigger but being able to interchange barrels for different calibers, but this one is a bolt action style. That's the one thing I didn't really like about the contender is the single shot restriction. Sounds like there will be different bolt and magazine combos that will be needed depending on the ammo group that T/C has set up but other than that, its just a different barrel for each caliber.
I've actually heard pretty good things about it. I can't remember if you have to replace the entire bolt or its a bolt-face replacement for caliber groups, but I've heard nothing but good. I'm a die-hard bolt action rifle hunter and have pretty high accuracy standards, so barrel swapping has never been my thing, but this one made me look twice (or more). I think if anyone can pull it off and make it work for bolt actions, TC can!
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