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T/C or Knight?


Well-Known Member
Hey all, quick question. If you were to have your choice between a T/C Omega (composite stock, stainless barrell, matte finish scope) or a Knight Vision (full camo, barrell and all, matching camo scope) what would you take? Both guns will be fitted with a 3x9x? scope. I'm going to raffle one of these off at the Deer Classic for the Iowa State University Pheasants Forever Chapter and would like to know which one would draw your attention most, or sell the most raffle tickets. Any input is welcome, thanks!

Knight all camo is a cool looking gun, TC is a great shooter. Either way I think you will seel a bunch of tickets, go with the Knight and push the IA company thing too.

I don't know much about the Knight, but the T/C is a real tack driver, but not everyone will know that, I personally would rather have the T/C, but who doesn't like a camo gun?!?! not to mention the ordinary joe will seee that sweet lookin camo and want it...it's a toss up, so go with the T/C and i'll buy a ticket!
I see your point jkratz, but Knight is not an Iowa company anymore to my understanding...

Also, after looking at the "matching scope", it is actually a lighter shade of Mossy Oak, very close but to that picky person.....?Still need some feedback. Either way, both are proven tack-drivers and well respected among muzzleloading authorities.

Decisions, decisions....

The Knight would get my vote. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif


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TC all the way. And you're right Knight moved operations from Centerville, IA to Alabama or Arkanas, but Tony Knight still resides near Centerville.
If you're looking to raise money for your chapter I'd get the least expensive of the two. Your profit margin would be better.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: muddy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If you're looking to raise money for your chapter I'd get the least expensive of the two. Your profit margin would be better.</div></div>

I agree, other than maybe a Savage you've got two of the top brands to give away - I'd go for more money too! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
I am a knight guy, but I do not like the vision. I would be scared to buy any knight gun in full camo unless the quality of the camo has changed over the years. I know a couple guys that have knight camo stocks and after a few years of use they have all faded so bad they look almost cream colored. Both are great guns. I have never really liked thompson much, but that is only personal preferece. It doesn't matter which one you put out there, because it will probably be a 50/50 split on which gun the majority likes and I cant think of anyone that would turn down any gun they got on a 5 dollar raffle.
I would go with t/c.... yes that is what I shoot but when you go to a banquet everybody has a knight it seems to me like people would buy more tickets for a different "better /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif" brand gun

If you want a good money maker this is what they do at the RMEF banquet i go to. Sell 100 chances on $1000 cash for $20. Best odds in the house, 1 in 100 that you'll win $1000 plus your profit margin is 50%. Can't beat that. Just a thought. They sell out within 5 Min. at this banquet.
Thanks for the input fellas...looks like I'll be going with the T/C Omega, so make sure to come get some raffle tickets. I'll also be selling chances for a brand new Chevy Silverado along with PF memberships. If none of this interests you, come by and say hi anyways, I love me some BSin...Our table will be set up in the Jax booth, and I think we might have some Hunters Specialties pro-staffers in there as well. Hope to see ya!
I own an encore, and a TK2000, the TC is easier to clean.

both are solid guns IMO
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