Sniper, I don't know you, you could be a heck of a guy, but your posts a lot of times come off negative or confrontational at points. I'm sure you are a great guy, but not all of your posts make you sound like one.
Plenty of deer are killed if patterned early and you have the opportunity. Yes, deer certainly move more during the rut, but if you are hunting one specific buck one of the worst times to hunt that buck can also be during the rut because they don't follow any type of pattern. You certainly may see him, but he could be completely out of the area you are accustomed to seeing him (trail cams, scouting, etc.). Also, several deer will summer or stay into early fall only to move on during the fall and winter months (again, not saying you or everyone doesn't know that, but that is important to consider as well).
If you are after just one specific deer I would say early in Oct. or late Muzzy/late bow season is the best time to pattern and shoot a target buck.