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Tactics for Toms


Life Member
Turkey season is just around the corner and I know there are many experienced Gobbler Getters on this site. Lets hear some of your Tactics.

How many times have you had a Gobbler hammering your every hen call but just won't close the distance for a shot? How do you deal with a Tom that just "Hangs Up"?

Something I like to do when this happens is to just go completely silent for a while. As he becomes impatient and starts to gobble even more thinking you have left the area reach out and aggressively scratch in the leaves. I like to add some soft clucks and continue to scratch in the leaves with your hand. This has worked for me on several occations.

What do you have in your bag of tricks?
I often do what Ghost does too, stay silent for awhile and let them percolate a bit and start wondering. After say 15 minutes of quiet, call really softly. If they answer back immediately, I go quiet and start looking for them because they will oftentimes commit then and come in for a fatal looksee.

If that plan doesn't work then I switch to an aggressive yelping/cackling routine and go overboard trying to get him worked up to where he starts gobbling hard. I will just call like crazy for a minute or two and if I can get him to step towards me and he has gotten a little "emotional" then they often come all the way in.
My main tactic for this year is DO NOT stay up late drinking beer! This causes you to get to your spot late, and then you have to crawl 1/2 mile on your belly hung over to shoot your bird.
How do you deal with a Tom that just "Hangs Up"?

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First I try the Jedi mind trick, however it only works on toms without a particularly strong sense of self and will. If that doesn't work I call gradually softer, as if the hen is slowly walking away, or move closer if I think I can get away with it. If nothing works I usually take a nap, which everyone knows, will always bring turkeys in...
seems like I will either do what ghost does, or I simply sneak back about 60 yards and get him going pretty good, then sneak back up to where I was. He usually comes right in, if all else fails I will go after him
On one that hangs up and will not work a call, I have traditionally made it a stalking game on the bird. I try to see how close I can get to him then shoot if the shot presents itself. (word of caution, do not do this on public hunting ground and you may find yourself the target)

If a stalk is not in order, I will usually just sit back and snooze awhile and wait for the bird to free up some of his time for some calling action. I have found myself in the woods for several hours sleeping off a hang over just to kill the bird at 11 am cause he was lonely.
Like Kat said, I take a nap when birds get difficult. Another sure fire tactic is to set your gun, or bow, down and take leak. 9 times out of 10 when you're asleep or going to the bathroom a bird will sneak in.

In all seroiusness I just try to use common sense and go off mental notes on where I always see birds. I will try to set up uphill from a bird, hunt strut zones and feeding areas, and try not to call too much. My main weapons are patience and persistance. Many times sitting those extra 20 minutes when you think a bird has hung up will work out for you. Also just plain keeping at them does wonders, try not to get discouraged and keep a positive frame of mind. Most hunting is 90% mental and 30% physical.
Not that I am an expert by any stretch of the imagination but have had some LUCK being agressive. Case in point; last year 4th season my brother and I had two working hard for over 1/2 hour at 4:00 in the afternoon then silence. After sitting and patiently calling periodically with no response we pulled up and moved to the position where we had heard them the second to last time and set up. 10 minutes later I starting calling and within 5 minutes they were coming in. 6:05...dead bird. There were no obvious barriers to prevent them from coming in prior to our move but they for some reason would not cross the imaginary (in my mind)line.
If anyone figures out turkeys congrats and don't forget your friends.
if you know where he is wanting to go, back off, make a circle, and set up where he is headed
"If anyone figures out turkeys congrats and don't forget your friends."

I always say, It's only the smart ones that come to the call!
I learned something this youth season taking my brother out. You never know when and you never from what direction. Stay alert!
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