PMA Member
With the day off it was time do a all day hunt where I shot my bird last year. It will look familiar in the video. There is marsh land south and to the west with a creek between my blind. These turkeys have learned to live in the swamp areas and its hard to hunt. I was set up early at 5:00 am. Minutes before legal shooting time I stuck my head out the top of the blind listening for gobbles. A owl screeched just west of me and the woods erupted with goggles it was almost deafening birds were everywhere 6 to 8 were with in a 100yds. These birds like to stay in the woods and the marshes I seen a few birds a couple of hens and two jakes came in. At 11:30 I pick out two strutters in the creek. I did a few calls and purrs on the Sinclair custom and it proved effective again. It was just starting to rain when both showed themselves. He was hesitant to come in so with him at 15 yds it was time to loose the Bullhead. I kept this video short
Being by myself I have to set the phone on ten second timer and quick get ready for the pic.
The Bullhead ripped him
Being by myself I have to set the phone on ten second timer and quick get ready for the pic.
The Bullhead ripped him