Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



since the regs are so easy to read i have a question for you guys. I have already got a landowner any deer tag for early muzzle, as i understand it i can get a free doe tag, but only for the special late season? Am i correct, i tried to call my local co tonight but no answer
Yep, that's what it says and it doesn't matter which season you purchased your free any deer tag for (sounds weird, purchased a free tag?). You can also purchase two reduced fee antlerless tags for the season of your choice.
You might want to reconsider your strategy next year if the regulations stay the same. As a landowner, get a landowner shotgun license which allows you to hunt both shotgun seasons. Get one antlerless landowner tag for the shotgun season, again valid for both shotgun seasons. Then you can get a landowner late muzzleloader antlerless and a landowner special late antlerless only. Then you can buy any license residents are offered. I opted for the early muzzleloader over bow.
The way the regulations are set up, you almost have to hire an attorney to take with you to buy tags!
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