Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Tanner's first deer!


PMA Member
My eight year old Tanner has been anxiously awaiting his turn at the youth season deer hunt. After some shooting practice this fall he was ready to give it a try. Due to a vacation out of the country we only got to hunt the last weekend of the season this year. I let him pick which stand to hunt from and Sunday evening he made it happen when this nice doe crossed the creek and worked her way to around 45 yds. He steadied the Mossberg 500 youth 20 ga. and let her rip. To be honest, judging by her body language, I was a little worried that he had missed her. But after getting down and checking the area, a heavy blood trail was found. I let him do all the tracking and he was so preoccupied by following the sign that he almost stepped on her about 50 yards from where she was shot. To say he was excited would be a major understatement! We hooped, hollered and hugged and of course we had to make some phone calls and text some pics to family and friends. When dragging her out I realized that his doe had died not 20 yards from where his older brother had killed his first deer three years ago. It was a great day in the woods and one neither of us will ever forget. He is already asking when I am getting him another tag. :D

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Atta boy Tanner :way:

Congrats to both of you...a memory that'll be with you forever.

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