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Target Animals

Doubleaarc hery

New Member
With Iowa's archery opener only 2 weeks, I was wondering how many of us have our Target buck picked out so far! I thought I would be fun to post here which Buck your hoping for and see if any of them end up in the Harvest forum.

This is not the best scoring deer I have around, but I am a sucker for mass!! Currently, he is my main target!
Well I decided to go after the bean buck mainly because he has two throat patches.


Good Luck to everyone here and be safe.
This is the probably the biggest and oldest deer I have on camera so far, so hes the main one I'm going for.
I don't have any trailcams, but I do have a shed from this spring and it's the only buck I plan on shooting this fall...unless a "booner" happens to come-by.

I'm in total DOE-MODE this year. I snagged 8 extra doe tags so the flat-tops better look out!!!
This is my land owner buck I am going for mainly because of high hunting pressure. I havent found my statewide yet!
This would be my first choice but realistically, there are a couple of others I'd have a hard time passing if they presented an earlier opportunity.


Well I have 4 different ones that I am chasing, and sorry Im not sharing pictures. Im a little greety

Just a couple little guys that is all. Hopefully I can get my wife 1 or 2 this fall.
I dont have a picture of her specifically, but the deer I want to kill the most is the old doe that seems to follow us around the farm and bust out every chance she gets. The next time she is sitting there snorting and carrying on looking all proud of herself....WHAM shes going to get it. I have a speical doe tag laid out with her name on it. LOL
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