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Taxidermy question, skull mounts


New Member
I was told to use "Sal Soda" out of a taxidermy supply catalog. This helps remove flesh as you boil the head. It's supposed to turn it into a gel that separates easily from the bone.

Can anyone confirm that this stuff is actually just baking soda?

Anyone with experience using Sal Soda? What do you think of it?
River.....I don't know about "Sal Soda" but I just did a mount like this.

The single most helpful thing I can say is...as soon as your boiling is complete, get to the car wash and use the high pressure sprayer to finish the whole job in about 7 minutes.
River Bttm Boy..... Sal Soda (Washing Soda) is really Sodium Carbonate Monohydrate Na2CO3/H2O. This is different than Baking Soda...Sodium Bicarbonate NaHCO3. I have used Sal Soda on skull mounts and it does work. Still needed to do some scraping though to clean it up. Ghost's car wash idea could definately help minimize the amout of scraping I did. I'll have to give that a try next time......I'm sure the car wash owner will love me.
Thanks Ghost,

I've got this pic in my head of eyeballs stuck to the wall of the wash stall.

I'll give'r a try, but maybe I'll wait till 10pm or so when it's not such high traffic.
As stated, Sal Soda is different than baking soda. The same thing can be purchased from most grocery stores as Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda (a laundry detergent). A little (not a lot!) dish soap seems to help cut the grease in the fat, as does changing the water at least once. The fat is largely responsible for the yellowish look that some skulls have after boiling. The fat liquifies and is reabsorbed into the bone.

Another worth while purchase is the 40% hydrogen peroxide and Basic White (both available from taxidermy supply places or hair salons). This stuff, mixed into a paste and applied after the skull dries, really brings out the nice white skull you want. Leave it on overnight and wash it off. Its about $20 but will do many skulls.

The car wash trick works well too, saves alot of scraping. This year I am going to try it before boiling also to see what I can blast off the easy way. You will get soaked doing this though! Good luck, a nice skull mount is much more interesting than just a plaque in my opinion.
A little white spray paint works well on the skull for color. It's cheap!!!
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