I started with the original knight mk-85 and have since shortened the stock to fit my son.This allowed dad to buy an encore which i truly love.I have the s.s encore with the camo thumbhole as well as a 7mm barrel. they are topped with nikon bdc 250 scopes and my late season doe was taken on the last day at 218 yards quartering away.i have had good results a t/c bonded 250 shockwave and 3 777 pellets which allowed a total passthrough. Do yourself a favor and opt for the new super slide sabots. although i have no experience with the newer knights i kinda lost alot of respect for the company when they left their birthplace and the already hurting centerville community and move there facility.I know its all about buisness but, just my opinion.
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I respect your feelings but I question why you would rather give your money to a company who has never created job 1 in Iowa rather than to Knight who created many jobs and supported many Iowans until another company took over and moved everything out of Iowa? I still think Knight makes a quality product and for a lot less than the Encore and will kill deer dead.
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I shoot an Omega, it seems to kill them pretty dead to, but its just right, it doesn't kill them to dead.