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tc shockwave question


Life Member
Who all shoots these bullets through their muzzy? I shot a doe last weekend with it and I thought it would have a larger exit wound but the exit wound was the same as the entrance. When I boned her out all of the meat around the shoulder where the bullet went in and out looked like it was hit with a sledge hammer a dozen times. Is that normal? Any input would be appreciated!
I have used these in 50 cal for the last 3 years with either 2 pellets or 110 grains of loose powder. They have been very effictive and dropped all but 2 deer in their tracks, mostly with either neck or high shoulder hits. I didn't notice a lot of shotup meat but tried not to hit them where there would be. I only recovered 2 bullets. One broke the tops off both shoulder blades and shattered the spine and then lodged just under the skin. The other was a frontal angling shot that hit just inside the shoulder went the length of the body and was in the ham. That one was almost pristine, but the first one expanded well. In my opinon, very good bullet and accurate to boot.
Hornady makes this bullet for TC and it is basically the SST. I have shot the 250 grain Hornady SST with EXPLOSIVE results. It would literally tear most deer off their feet. I would find little fragments of lead and copper jacket when field dressing. I switched to the Hornady XTP in 250 grains. It seems to hold together a little better, though I'm still getting quite a bit of hydrostatic shot (shoot through the ribs and the stomach gets ruptured). I have some 300 grain XTP's that don't seem to do this but I decided to back off on the velocity of the 250's instead. A person can only kill a deer so dead and I'd rather have a milder recoil.

I buy XTP's and sabots in bulk for about 30 cents a shot. The SST's are not available in bulk. I guess they figure they need to exploit the muzzleloader market.
...In my opinon, very good bullet and accurate to boot.

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Ditto. I have had nothing but excellent results shooting 250gr Shockwaves, 100gr loose 777 powder. Of course I also have a MH Knight Rifle, which just might make a difference
Shoot the shockwaves also, 200gr though. Can't comment on an exit hole because I have never had one exit, really weird but true, I find every bullet lodged just under the skin and fragments of the copper are generally spread throughout the deer. Haven't had a deer run more than about 60 yards and many have dropped in their tracks. I might increase to 150gr of powder and 250 shockwaves to get pass throughs.
Love 'em. I have put them through 2 bucks and 2 does (the last one just tonight) at ranges from 10 to 95 yards using 100, 125, and 150 grains of T7. Never recovered a bullet and never had a deer run more than 50 yards. I didnt pay much attention to the exit holes I guess, dead is dead. I think they are very accurate, shoot flat, and are reasonably priced compared to many on the market.
where the bullet went in and out looked like it was hit with a sledge hammer a dozen times. Is that normal? Any input would be appreciated!

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That is the SHOCK part of the Wave!!!

Great bullets! I leveled deer at 177 yard, 180, and a bunch over 120.
Thanks for all of the info, I wasn't too concerned about the exit hole, I just was wondering about the shock part of the bullet. It sure did the trick!
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